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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • You realize things aren’t viewed the same all over the world right? Here in Sweden it’s nothing bad or wrong, we generally have good sex education and parents that are fine with it as long as we keep it private and clean. And as adults it’s completely normal, not that uncommon to talk about either. There was a monthly magazine for teens when I grew up that talked a lot about sex, sexual identity and stuff like that and the readers could send it questions to get answered by professionals or other readers. Very open and helped so many with things they didn’t dare ask parents or others about and it was always a better source than the Internet when that came around. Pretty sure it’s still a thing too.

    So it’s just seen as a thing everyone does and enjoys.

  • The idea of it is, but DDG isn’t. I used it for a couple of years but rarely felt it was good enough, I kept having to go back to Google or even Bing or Yandex to get the results I needed. One of my major gripes was it not showing the dates on results, so I never knew if the information was up to date without clicking through to every result and checking it there. Then I kept seeing pretty bad news about it, the company doing stuff people, including me, didn’t appreciate.

    I know some will hate on me for this, but I’ve now used Kagi for about a year and it’s by far the best I’ve ever used. If or when that goes bad I’ll find something else, but right now nothing comes close to giving me both the right results and also giving me control over everything. Of course, there are negatives but that’s the case with everything else too. None of the “bad” news about it has turned out to be even close to as bad as first reported, and the rest is just people hating on it because others say they like it.

  • Did you fall in the shower and hit your head before thinking this? It’s so incredibly dumb on multiple levels.

    Voyager 1 isn’t even outside our solar system yet, at the moment of writing this it’s close to 15,200,000,000 miles from our sun, that’s 0.0026 light years.

    the closest star to ours is Proxima Centauri, about 4.2 light years away, part of a triple star system called Alpha Centauri. It would take Voyager 1 over 16,000 years to reach it if it was going there, which it’s not. The first “close” (1.6 light-years) flyby of a star Voyager 1 will have is of Gliese 445, which is 17.1 light years away from us, in 40,000 years.

    You seem to think that other stars are right at the edge of our solar system or something, that’s the only thing I can come up with that makes your post make any sense. Just because Voyager 1 is far away from us doesn’t mean it’s close to anything else. It has barely moved in astronomical distances, we will continue to be the closest thing to it for another 20,000 years.