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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 7th, 2024


  • I hate that punctuation is “supposed” to go inside quotation marks. If you doing anything more complex than a simple statement of a quote, you run into cases where it doesn’t make sense to me.

    Did he say “I had pancakes for supper?” and Did he say “I had pancakes for supper”? mean different things to me.

    Similarly: That jerk called me a “tomato!” and That jerk called me a “tomato”!

    It feels to me that the first examples add emphasis to the quotes that did not exist when originally spoken, whereas the second examples isolate the quote, which is the whole point of putting it in quotation marks.

  • Nothing they will just sell their goods to those who can afford them. If individuals can’t afford an appliance, they will sell them to a landlord, a laundromat, a restaurant, another corporation, or rent them directly.

    once poor people have no more money to use.

    Unless you are referring to chattel slavery, or some barter system where people pay directly with goods or services, this is an impossibility. The poor will always be able to earn some meager amount of money (even if it’s company scrip), they just won’t be able to earn enough to escape poverty and debt. That’s what makes money valuable, that it can be exchanged for goods or labor.