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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • We’re not talking about what is ‘widely acknowledged’, we are talking about what you have expressed as your personal belief. And you do have a morality problem:

    Skill issue. If I wanted to have a recognized independent country I would simply win the civil war instead of losing and then hiding in America’s skirt like a coward.

    You believe that in order to be independent from mainland China, Taiwan should have used military force - or again, that might makes right.

    You made this statement. It is not about international law, or opinio juris, or any other deflection you want to attempt. It is about what you believe justifies a nation’s independence, and it is solely based on the exercise of military power.

  • Just don’t walk behind them, or they might try to kick you.

    This is really good advice for basically every animal with hooves. They mostly have a blind spot directly behind, like horses:

    If you walk up behind them inside that blind spot and then move out to either side and suddenly appear in their vision, they’ll react defensively, usually by trying to kick you with their hind legs.

    Basically if you can’t see the animal’s eyes then assume it can’t see you, and stay out of kicking range.

  • I don’t think it’s valid to compare a full-scale ground invasion with smashing up a patrol boat. Ground invasions are overt acts of war, no matter how much the invader might want to label them as “special”. In this case I don’t think China wants an open conflict with the Philippines, not yet anyway. If you’re actually invading you don’t vandalize one boat with hand tools and then run off, like teenager leaving a burning bag of shit on someone’s porch.

    This is about China doing whatever it wants, and international law be damned. It’s more of a Cartman-esque demand for obedience and submission.

  • China is probing the US’s willingness to get involved in another conflict.

    “Stupid and petty” is how international bullies operate. Pointless violence is how immature people express their “strength”.

    I know there have been maritime issues between China and others within the last few years or so

    All of the maritime issues have been caused by China attempting to claim the entire South China Sea as their private property, in defiance of international agreements about national coastal waters. All of those issues were provoked by China trying to exert control over coastal waters that are rightfully the property of other nations, such as Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines. China is a bad neighbor.