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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2024


  • It’s the “they don’t even think about it” part that makes me feel this way.

    With cars, it just leads to wasted space and resources.

    Working in a hospital, that same thinking leads to Dialysis, Metabolic Disease and amputations. I see it multiple times per day.

    Often intelligent people, but acting moronic. Not using their intelligence. That’s quite apparent in SUVs. They cost a fortune, so it’s usually not stupidity. It’s just them being mindless. And without a second thought about others.

    I stand by my choice of words.

    Sometimes, yeah, an SUV makes sense. Then again, driving it into a congested city, that doesn’t make sense.

    If I saw someone driving it through a mountainous region, I wouldn’t say anything. That’s fine. :)

  • What you are saying sounds romantic and all. I’d love to hear a single instance of any such example of earth-shattering discoveries that actually changed something in our daily lives.

    I actually don’t believe that ancient Mars aliens would change a single thing. The big players want to go there in hopes of finding weapons. After not finding them, we’ll stop going there. No bases or colonies. We could have been on the moon, but there’s no profit to be made. So we aren’t.

    I have no soul. That’s great. That’s why I ditched my work as a developer to work in a hospital to help people reduce their suffering. I thought for a long time that progress and science will save humanity. It has the potential. But romanticizing potential won’t save anyone. Most menial jobs create suffering elsewhere, all to elevate one’s personal status. Fantastic.

    I am now convinced that it will be done by actually helping humans, saving the world, that is. Not having a soul feels great.

    And I don’t even have to degrade others to make a point. So enjoy your hobbies, enjoy your life. And continue to accept suffering and pain while seeking answers in the past, or by playing online games from the safety of your couch. That’s fine. Just be aware that you do.

    Morals are made up things, so are ethics and standards. It keeps most people from killing each other, at least. I’m texting and chatting online. Also, a waste of time and effort. We all need some distractions.

    We could also use some more dullness and focus. At least until we don’t have a billion people starving for food and water, half a billion waging war, and two billion facing obesity and metabolic disease resulting from not so dull lives. But that’s my standard. That’s just the ones that are immediately suffering. Right now.

    If soul is responsible for all that ignorant bliss and suffering, you can keep it. But feel free to enjoy it. I can’t. But that’s just me.

    You might be confusing soul and ego though.

  • Not what I said at all. Knowing about the basis of our attitudes doesn’t change them. Hence, getting rid of the discipline would change nothing.

    Of course, it’s interesting. Ancient humans are fascinating. So are pyramids. Finding out how they were built would change nothing though. Egyptology is in the same ballpark. Interesting, yes.

    Fundamentally changing? Not at all. We could find out that it was ancient aliens, and it wouldn’t change a single thing today. Another discipline that could just vanish, and nothing would change for anyone except the people currently involved with them. Deep space sciences is another field.

    There are many deeply interesting and fascinating fields of research and science that are completely irrelevant. At least in any practical sense.