And every fair shuffle of a deck of cards produces a card order which has never been seen before, and will never be seen again. Ooooo scary!
And every fair shuffle of a deck of cards produces a card order which has never been seen before, and will never be seen again. Ooooo scary!
Not if there’s enough of you.
The moral thing to do here is to commandeer that food and distribute it however you can before it spoils.
Waste not want not.
Jeep Renegade is a rebadged Fiat 500L.
Is Vance Catholic?
That’s not how Pinto axles were. The differential assembly bolts in from the front.
A more appropriate solution would be a plastic shield designed to fit around the whole front of the gas tank, and then appropriately fixed to the vehicle, as opposed to “some hardware store shit.”
It would have prevented the “spark” part of the failure condition, but not the tank rupturing part.
The Pinto got well known for a couple of reasons.
One, the classic “exploding in a rear end collision.” The design flaw here was that in certain rear collisions, the fuel tank would be pushed into the rear differential. Not only could this rupture the fuel tank, it could also produce a spark. Boom. Lots of cars had this same design in the 70s, with the fuel tank low in the rear, right behind the rear differential.
Two, the infamous Pinto Memo, which did a cost benefit analysis that determined it would be cheaper for Ford to not fix the problem, and just settle whatever cases came up. This very clearly inspired the Fight Club recall formula scene. Take note that the car used in that scene is a Lincoln Town Car, produced by Ford Motor Company.
The kicker for the Pinto recall? What they did to fix it:
That’s it. My dad pointed this out to me in his shop some time in the late 80s or early 90s. He had a Pinto in for an oil change or something, “Hey, let me show you this.” It was such a hacky “repair.”
Good. But not for the reason you think.
White collar workers are workers. They just don’t realize it. Yet.
American Federation of Government Employees membership has increased dramatically. Fucking with every federal employee makes for a stronger union.
Unions fight back.
All efforts great and small. Together, we are greater than the sum of our parts.
I’ll take executive order for 200
If they used on premise Exchange, that doesn’t have any spam filtering capability on its own. You’d have to have a third party filter doing that work.
Exchange Online (M365, whatever the hell they decided to call it this month) does have spam filtering.
which is just self-hosted Outlook
In the context of email, the Outlook application is an email client, thought they do try to make it do way more than it has any business doing. You can have Outlook connect to any POP3/IMAP/ActiveSync mailbox, regardless of the mail server platform on the back end.
I think Microsoft decided to make the outlook.com email domain to consolidate branding, even though the hotmail.com domain still exists for people who are still using it from before.
“We’ll make our own NATO, with blackjack and hookers!”
Let’s also not forget that his whole grand idea to “take over” Gaza was discussed with nobody (apart from maybe sycophants) before he threw it on the table. Netanyahu himself had no idea until immediately before they took the stage together. Nobody in the State Department or Pentagon had any idea. Congress had no idea. WH Press Secretary had no idea.
Somebody planted that idea in his head and he just went with it.
Hey now! … Well, yeah.
Some personality for sure, also a year old is still quite young for a dog, he’s probably still battling those dogly instincts.