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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023


  • We cant read Apples mind, so thats wishful thinking. But sending telemetry (even if hidden) means it can be used.
    Thats why e.g. Apple is using Differential Privacy for apps to use… to not have to give the Apps full access to e.g. usage data.
    Of course Apple themselves isnt necessarily bound to that system themselves, who knew…

    And why not allow other Apps to replace your default Apps if you want to? Why not have access to that Freedom?
    After all you should be able to do anything you want with your system… or maybe you dont believe in this kind of freedom. Could just buy an Android phone. Fuck the person who wants to actually own their hardware, right? How could they be so dumb and want actual freedom, haha.
    No, we play pretend while Freedom is further taken away under “Privacy” claims. Maybe that replacement battery will send your usage pattern via shortwave radio to an agent nearby…

  • In an more ideal world, getting less money because people tip less, would push you to reconsider the job choice and ultimately switch to something more lucrative.
    With less workers, the company would be forced to pay more to even get employes.

    Problem with this idealised scenario is, it doesnt work in the US, because workers are getting screwed so much and have so little choices at those low paying jobs, they’d be the ones loosing massively in the short-term.
    And with little support structures my the states and federal government, they would fail… and the 2 party system would fail them even harder, noone cares about them in the government… too much invested in fighting imaginary culture wars.

    But then again, using less services of the business leads to the same outcome in the end, so even that wouldnt work well.
    The business will always win in the short-term.
    So as it is ineviteable, maybe its better to think long term anyways.

    And everyone wants tips these days, no longer just a gratitude or paying low wage workers, but now also a ‘bid’… (sure not every worker might like relying on tips, but specially well paid servers prefer it as they make bank)
    I dont see you getting iut of tipping either way very well without government intervention… which i dont see happening, but you have orher big issues too…

  • Yes, you need an organization which signs your certificate, so it is trusted by default. This is our trust-anchor so we know the certificate presented was validated and it was given only to the website owner.
    There are numerous around the world for that.
    And if that is no longer offered, you can just not have your certificate signed, which means browsers will complain about it.
    But you can trust your own certificate yourself. Or create your own certificate authority which can then sign other certificates for the community as their new trust anchor.
    I think we would very quickly build the web-of-trust, but for certificates.

    You can even not have certificates, but keep an weak form of TLS (no idea if browsers support TLS_DH_anon_*), but its still encrypted and can only be broken by an active Man-in-the-Middle-attack. (which is theoretically detectable later on)
    Diffie-Hellman is an awesome key-exchange.

  • Async is good because threads are expensive, might aswell do something else when you need to wait for something anyways.
    But only having async and no other thread when you need some computation is obviously awful… (or when starting anothe rthread is not easily manageable)

    Thats why i like go, you just tell it you want to run something in parallel and he will manage the rest… computational work, shift current work to new thread… just waiting for IO, async.

  • There are other laptops besides macbooks and framework laptops.
    I liked the lenovos in recent years, linux just worked out of the box, swapped the wifi-chip to support 6E last year, and upgraded the memory, super easy to do.
    Was surprised how cheap these wifi-chips are, cost like 20$ for the intel ax210.

    But the current lineup is too expensive for what they offer… Maybe buy a used one. (in general)