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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Everyone’s gotta start somewhere. I do know that it’s not easy for trans men to get a well-fitting suit. I’m familiar with one case where the tailor sent the suit back without any alterations, because they thought the body proportions given by the shop were a mistake. That was rather infuriating to see, but it worked out in the end. I guess what I’m saying is that you should give yourself plenty of time in advance to get your next suit. It may not be the “come back in a week for pickup” that most men are used to.

    Hell, I know a cis guy who had to visit 8 different places to find a suit that fit him. He’s a normal looking guy, but the proportions between his hips and waist was somehow an outlier for 99% of the pants he tried on.

  • Consider SW Michigan. 2h drive/train to Chicago, proximity to large bodies of water for summer enjoyment, and if you live in a reasonably-sized town they’re probably good at clearing roads when it snows.

    Besides, our winters get milder each year. There’s a couple of big snow/ice events, but the trick is to not be on the road while the heavy stuff is coming down. Wait a few hours for it to ease up and for the snow plows to do their thing.

  • Sounds rough. My fiancé does security, and from what I’ve gathered from him, the best time for security to get involved is at the design stage. They look over the proposal, give their input, and then nobody’s surprised at release time, and teams can follow agile practices. Obviously there’s still a review of the final product, but that can be done asynchronously after the fact to confirm that best-practices were followed.

    Easy to say, hard to put into practice. Certainly depends on the kind of service your business provides.

  • Small releases, on a regular cadence.

    How do you ensure that you’re not releasing features before they’re ready? Kinda depends on the application, but you might use feature flags. A system for turning features on and off without deploying the application. It could be a Boolean in a redis cache that your app looks for, or a DB entry, or another API. The point is for you to be able to flick a switch to turn it on instantly, and then if if breaks things in prod you can just as easily turn it off again.

    And just a word of advice: Consider the performance impact of your feature flag’s implementation. We had a team tank their service’s performance because it was checking hundreds of feature flags in different DBs on every API call. Some kind of in-app caching layer with a short refresh period might help.

  • Despite what the length of their privacy policies might suggest, first party sites are a lot stingier with their user data now than they’ve been in the past. The value of knowing who someone is and what they want is derived when you convince them to pull out a credit card, at which point you need to collect their data anyway.

    Thus, I think we’ll see two tiers of data collection: Deep first-party info shared between retailers and data brokers to target advertising on their first party site, and less granular banner advertising based on privacy sandbox, taking the place of drive-by cookie drops. If privacy sandbox is as good for random blogs as industry is expecting (ie, not as perfect as third party cookies, but less impactful than Apple’s ITP was), I don’t think we will see a wave of email signups.

  • I don’t quite understand the leap from “No third party cookies” to “You need to create an account”.

    If you’re visiting a site and they drop a cookie, that’s a first party cookie. You don’t need to log in for that to happen, and they can track you all the same. Taking identifiers from a first party cookie and passing them to advertisers will still be a thing, it’ll just require closer coordination between the site and the advertiser than if the advertiser dropped their own cookie.

    Now yes, that first party cookie won’t follow you around to other websites and track your behavior there, but creating an account wouldn’t enable this anyway. Besides, Google’s Privacy Sandbox product suite is intended to fill this role in a less granular way (associating k-anonymized ids with advertising topics across websites).

  • OneCardboardBox@lemmy.sdf.orgtoNo Stupid Questions@lemmy.worldWhat is "FUD"?
    8 months ago

    It’s common in communities where rigid adherence to a set of beliefs is necessary to enforce cohesion. It’s commonly used to avoid engagement with “Facts U Dislike” (haha) by terminating all meaningful discussion.

    Part of a flat earth forum and you’re posting an experiment you performed that suggests the earth is round? You’re spreading FUD that should be ignored.

    Posting on a crypto shitcoins discord about how this kinda looks like a scam and maybe it’s not a good investment? That’s also FUD. You’re just mad that everyone else is going to be rich.

  • You gave an example of TMZ sourcing photos from randos, but they’re likely not the target customer for this tech. If they cared about integrity they wouldn’t be reporting celebrity gossip.

    For news companies posting syndicated images, then those come from a cadre of photographers who are most likely to own the newest most expensive cameras. Surely it’s not inconceivable that as this tech rolls out more, Agence-France-Presse, Getty, or AP could require all photos submitted to them to have this metadata, thus passing the benefits along to any news agency using their images.

    If you’re talking about photo sources taken from everyday people, then yes: They won’t have this technology in the short term, maybe not ever. Then again, I don’t get my news from TMZ.

    I think blockchain is dumb because it fails to achieve its stated goals while also harming society. I think this is a system with marginal use case and minimal licensing overhead to integrate into future cameras, so overall my take is “not dumb” and “probably useful”.

  • I don’t quite get why some of those cases require universal adoption. News photos: You just need one big news company to say “we’re giving all our photographers a camera with this tech” and then it serves its purpose.

    You see a headline “SHOCKING photo published by MegaNewsCorp will send you into a coma!” then you can validate that it came from a MegaNewsCorp photographer. If you trust MegaNewsCorp, then the tech has done its job. If you didn’t trust MegaNewsCorp already, then this tech changes nothing. I think there is moderate value in that, overall.

    The story of this tech is getting picked up and thrown around by bad tech journalism, being game-of-telephone’d into some kind of game changer.

    Plenty of open standard live and die by whether or not one big player decides to adopt them.