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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 10th, 2024


  • Ppl on this site sometimes act like war doesnt need to happen if they just dont believe in it, personally. I get it, im a pacifist, too. War is evil and hellish. This is a fact.

    It is also a fact that russia invaded Ukraine and has on numerous occasions now called it a stepping stone. If u dont want a war, youve already got one! If you dont want it at your doorstep (bc thats the closest youll get to avoiding it), then Ukraine must be better funded and equiped.

    We’re not the only ones with wants, we’re not the only ones with plans. Countries have them, too, ans some countries happen to be much more hostile towards ppl who like having their wants and needs free from government intervention.

  • My thing with it is, ive bwen privately/publicly bitching about the apartheid state known as Israel for the past 15+ yrs, but now, now is when everybodys taking note, when the october attack by hamas was, in part, part of a larger russian effort to draw attention away from the area in Europe they have since called a stepstone multiple times now. And now these voices conveniently ignore that US policy towards israel has always been unconditional financial/military support. But suuuure, its all bidens fault. As if the geriatric neolib picked out of a hat bc he was the closest thing to “average” for our politics over the past 60 yrs was the problem, and is if there was no chance of their being intelligence available to the president that isnt available to the rest of us.

    Support Gaza, but remember that Ukraine is where the bigger worldwide threat is.