• 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023

  • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.eetoGames@lemmy.worldSonic's googles
    12 days ago

    I both agree and disagree, I think Sonic does have normal eyes and those are his goggles, but I don’t think those are all the white of his eyes as we see them.

    I think they look white just because that’s how the light reflects off them and they’re actually polarized lenses to help him see even when he’s traveling through deep sunset or sunrise when shit’s at its most blinding, or through brightly lit cities that can hit pedestrians with heavy glare.

  • Importing and screen capping software can also have the certificate software on and sign it with the metadata of the original file they’re copying, taking a picture of the screen with a separate device or pixel by pixel recreations could in theory get around it, but in practice, people will see at best a camera image being presented as a photoshopped or paintmade image, and at worst, some loser pointing their phone at their laptop to try and pass off something dishonestly. Pixel by pixel recreations, again, software can be given the metadata stamp, and if sites refuse to accept non stamped content, going pixel by pixel on unvetted software will just leave you with a neat png file for your trouble, and doing it manually, yeah if someone’s going through and hand placing squares just to slip a single deep fake picture through, that person’s a state actor and that’s a whole other can of worms.

    ETA: you can also sign the pixel art creation as pixel art based on it being a creation of squares, so that would tip people off in the signature notes of a post.

  • Usually it’ll be something like,

    “If you try to put up a fight I’ll scream, guess who everyone’s gonna believe?”

    Or if you’re really unlucky,

    “Be my baby’s daddy!”, suddenly locks legs like a vise and begins grinding like there’s no tomorrow

    With girl on guy it’s a lot less about physical overpowering and a lot more about weaponized social biases or lying about the intent of consensual sex for the purpose of trapping them into something.

    If you’ve seen the infamous “Female Dating Strategy” forums, a lot of “tricks and tips” they come out with to “lock down your man” or “make him commit already!” basically amount to some form of Girl on Guy SA, either socially blackmailing them with the fear of you dragging them into a public accusation, which they aren’t ever gonna recover from even if found completely innocent, or by sabotaging contraceptives or tricking him into finishing inside to make a baby on purpose and then trying to shotgun wedding the whole thing.

  • Looks like they’re getting ready for whatever play they intend to make against the gangs and are trying to keep exacts on the hush hush to avoid the gangs being able to make preparations.

    They’re called gangs in print but it’s worth remembering that these organizations have military training and equipment at their disposal far exceeding what you’d picture when someone says the word “gang”, at this point it’d be more accurate to consider them warlord bands.

  • Eh, whackamole enforcement usually cuts mustard with this kind of stuff.

    Like yeah someone’s gonna do it anyways just because, but then all it takes is enough people raising an alarm to bring it down, and as a side effect, remove more shitass developers from the market.

    You end up with an equilibrium where not every example is getting the hammers of justice, but enough examples are that the average consumer still feels the benefit of a noticeably less toxic internet.

  • Probably a lot of black families actually do have fried chicken, barbeque and cookouts are apparently a big part of the festivities traditionally.

    If you find yourself becoming such good friends with a black person that they actually invite you to one of these cookouts, don’t bring fried chicken, or watermelons, or most of the stereotypical “black” foods, they’re considered black people food because the post civil war south fostered an environment of chronic black poverty on purpose that led to black families tending towards raising cheaper animals and growing cheaper crops for their own consumption.

    So a white guy cracking watermelon or fried chicken jokes or bringing that kind of stuff to a black celebration comes across less as trying to share in the culture and more as rubbing salt in a, in many ways still open, wound.

    As for what you should bring, bro just ask. Just making it known ya want to bring something for folks to enjoy will be good and appreciated, and if they decide they’d like to take you up on that, they’ll either give you a recipe off their list of stuff they’ve decided they want or ask what you think you can handle making and take your word on that if anything you feel confident making sounds good. Who knows, maybe that year will go down as the year that corned beef ya mentioned becomes a staple of the annual cookout!

  • Escaping is a crime in of itself in the US, so most prisoners will just try to keep their heads down and stay out of the way of getting their sentences extended. Also, US prison can be where you’re stuck for the rest of your entire life if you keep pushing it, as opposed to in LAM where some countries have a maximum term you can spend on a single prison sentence.

    There are also inner gangs inside the prisons that will basically act as a trap for the really dangerous criminals, both for serially getting them into sentence extensions, and for the fact that they’re as liable to come after you for trying to escape as the justice system is, and not even getting moved to another prison will be enough to save you from some of them if they think you were trying to flake on them.

  • Ya ever hear about a sandpaper handjob?

    Picture one given by a lady who was almost certainly trained by a Korean masseuse.

    Not the ones in LA that are playing up the aesthetic to upcharge you, the legit dudes in Korea who put you down naked on a table and leave you feeling like you’ve been done over with a zester.

    I escaped having ma dick completely ripped right off the hilt only through saying I was about to cum and wanted to fuck her first.

    I left, picked a sandwich up because I knew I wasn’t in the headspace to cook, sat down on my bed, and just considered my life choices with an ice pack over my jeans.

  • Not vegan but I’d wager most wouldn’t, not even because of the ethics stuff everyone memes about

    Breaking down meats takes an energy investment that breaking plants down doesn’t. So people who are used to a low meat or meatless diet aren’t recommended to go full steam on some carnitas first time they feel like getting back on the red and pink stuff.

    Literally it causes heavy fatigue and tiredness untill they re-adjust to the energy investment, and if you’re already feeling fine just not eating meat then what exactly would be the point of putting yourself through that?

    And I’m saying this as a total beef and pork addict, my dad’s pescatarian so I got to learn about sudden diet shift health effects from his doctor when he first went for the fishes.