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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Did you read the article?

    I for sure didnt.

    Thanks for highlighting that.

    I was carried away by having the discussions at my university with my peers in mind.

    Copying+pasting the output of chatGPT without ever looking at it, or even using a language tool to publish thoughts that were never in your head to begin with, is the actual concern

    Nevertheless I dont understand why this is a concern.

    The scientific standards existed decades if not already at least a century.

    Those discussions are putting chatgpt in a bad light. However the fact that our scientific system was eroded and made a mockery of before the introduction of chatgpt is not highlighted.

    There are still plagiarizations around and nobody cares. Mostly because of political sensitivity.

    However science has failed to repel “bad actors” (intentional or unintentional) from the scene.

    I dont know when. And why. But publisher have for sure something to do with it.

  • I think of it as in another anology.

    Compare a screwdriver with a power tool.

    Does the convenient solution hinder you from building your house simply because you cant “feel” the strength of the wood while turning the screw in?

    i doubt.

    The things you mentioned are coming into play when people think of AI as a god mode. As a user you are solely responsible for how to use a tool. If the user overestimates the power of the tool or use it for the wrong things. Its the users fault.

    The scientist is still a scientist. Which is the author of the paper. Not gpt because it writes filler text or puts the scientists thoughts into sentences.

    The context is still at the scientists plate. If the scientist does a poorly job at reviewing the gpts output. Gpt cant be faulted.

  • I dont need it to be beyond that? It does what I told it. And if I am creative enough to get my preferred output its great. I have still to decide if Ill use it.

    Its a tool which can be used by people and helps with work.

    I think it’s an important part of the process of doing science, no matter which field. And one gets better at it with training

    Sorry but this expression is probably a similar one when paper writting shifted to digital only format or when the typewriter was introduced.

    Boomer tell me the same with printed paper. “oNlY whEn ItS PriNtED yOu cAn rEaD pRoberly”

    Thats bullshit its just fear of the something new and convenience of routine.

    Nothing personal against you. I welcome any tool that helps me.

  • The whole system should get ready for the 21st century.

    Most of the scientists arent great writers. It does not make sense to still force them to be a good writer.

    Let be fishes be good at swimming instead of climbing trees.

    In a modern world where basically EVERYTHING is specialized and no generalist is alive anymore we should make use of language tools.

    Hell Chatgpt writes an introduction which is fun to read instead or my overcomplicated bullshit that I would have brought up

    Edit: the comment was not related to the OP but to a general chatgpt discussion.