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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Everything you’ve mentioned are “supply shaping” measures: trying to match supply to an independent, wildly variable demand.

    We need to focus on “demand shaping”. We need to “flatten the peak” of our energy consumption, by adjusting how and when automated systems use power.

    For example, water heaters consume about 20% of our energy. If we were to install thermostatic mixing valves after our water heaters to provide a consistent output, we could wildly vary the setpoint of our tanks, from anywhere just above shower temperature, to just below the boiling point. We could have our water heaters soak up every available kilowatt during a solar peak, raising the stored water temperature to 190F, and storing that hot water until it is needed for showers overnight.

    Desalination, hydrogen electrolysis, and various other industries could also adjust their production rates to take advantage of favorable energy pricing, shutting down production entirely and backfeeding the grid with their own, on-site solar and wind production when energy prices favor their power more than their nornal production.

    With the “slack times” heavily moderated by effective demand shaping, the rigid consistency of nuclear isn’t nearly as detrimental.

  • Turbine engines (jets) do not burn leaded fuels. Jet fuel is similar to kerosene or diesel fuel, with certain additives to meet aviation needs.

    The overwhelming majority of piston powered aircraft use 100LL, which has a relatively tiny amount of lead compared to automotive fuels of the 1970s. The FAA has recently certified 100UL for use in all aircraft, but production does not yet meet demand.

    Jet-A has higher energy density and is cheaper than 100LL or 100UL, but can’t be used in spark-ignition engines.

    Compression-ignition (“diesel”) piston engines are coming on the market as new and retrofit kits, allowing the use of Jet-A in general aviation aircraft.

  • Everything you just said is only true for stocks that pay dividends now, or may pay dividends in the future.

    It is not true for companies with zero intention of ever paying dividends.

    Even if the company went bankrupt, you own a sliver of their real product

    Historically, when that happens, the creditors walk away with the assets. The shareholders get nothing.

    but the stock itself is intrinsically tied to the literal ownership of those profit generating assets.

    That’s the scam. It’s not. In practice, the sole value of a zero-dividend stock is the speculative value.

    it is not tied in theory or in practice to something of perceptibly equal realized value.

    Electricity has value. Crypto value is intrinsically tied to mining costs. Even if you have access to a free source of power like your own solar panels, you have to weigh the cost effectiveness of mining against the revenue from using your panels to backfeed the grid, selling power back to the power companies.

    Because crypto is tied to something of utilitarian value, and zero-dividend stocks are tied only to the whims of investors, the stocks are actually a significantly greater scam than the crypto.

  • It is real because the people who use it believe it is real. Same goes for zero-dividend stocks, crypto, Yu-Gi-Oh cards, Beanie Babies, etc. The difference between currency and any ofbthese others is only in the number of people involved.

    You can point to government regulations for money. You can point to SEC regulations for stocks and other securities. I can point to algorithmic scarcity for crypto. And I am sure there are standards that various collector communities deem important. But, the fundamental concept value for any of these others is that the people using it believe it has value.