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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • I mean if you tend to plug things in at the same computer a lot it’s pretty easy to always plug things in right the first time, even when not looking because you just kinda know what way it’s meant to be. And laptops usually have all theirs pointing the same way so you know one you know them all. If something has text on it, it’s usually oriented in such a way that when plugged in you can read it. Or they have a little face and you know which way the face is meant to be facing

    I have a similar “power” and while I’m not flawless, it’s only really new or unfamiliar devices/computers that trip me up. Or plugs that don’t actually have any identifying features and/or unusual ones

  • A great Australian one that doesn’t involve spiders or cunts is “tell ‘im he’s dreamin’”, usually said in a real broad accent (you can change the pronouns around what more matters is the way you say it). Usually used whenever someone’s asking too much money for something but can also be used for when someone’s asking for too much in general and basically means “are you fucking kidding me that’s way too expensive”. It’s from a great movie called The Castle. It also gave us the saying “[this is going] straight to the pool room” meaning “shit this is really nice thanks” (because the pool room is where you put your trophies and whatnot) but I think that’s a little less common.

    On the other side of the globe, Norway uses “Texas” to mean “crazy weird shit”. There’s also “kamelåså” which generally means “unintelligible (like a Danish person)” which is from this great comedy sketch about Denmark that’s so good NRK decided they had to translate it into English just so people could make fun of Danish internationally (The untranslated bits are just danish sounding gibberish)

  • So’s Norway - quite a few places on the west coast (the most inhabited non-Oslo part of the country) rely on the fact that the gulf stream keeps them unusually warm for their latitude

    I’m already seeing things that would normally grow fine out in the garden suffer from abnormally late and early frosts and mild summers. Rip my tomatos and onions. Everyone’s complaining about 20+ degree springs in the mainland while I’m screaming that it’s still snowing in late May.

  • This wasn’t malicious per se, but I had an English teacher/school counsellor who suspected I had some sort of learning disability and treated me like an idiot because of it, but like in that sort of “poor you let me help you” way that’s like really condescending that ended up really hurting my self confidence.

    If I struggled with something for any reason, I was given something easier. If something I did conflicted with what she thought was correct, she would sit down and “help me correct it” because I think she seemed to think it was I guess an autism thing or something, which meant she spent a lot of time (usually taking me out of lunch break) trying to “correct” whatever she thought I was doing wrong. Which was exasperated by the fact I was an expat from the Commonwealth and she was an American so half the time they were just, cultural things. My dialect? Incorrect stop being non-rhotic and dropping your Ts. Handwriting? Oh dear this isn’t D’nealian you’re going to have to relearn this. Needed something repeated because I didn’t hear it? Let’s sit down and go through each step one by one in simple English so you can understand it. Social issues were the worst because she’d try to explain how to be friends with someone like I was five and try and push me into other people’s friend groups when I did not want to do that.

    I know she wasn’t being malicious and like, she was right - I did have a neurological disorder, and she was the only person who noticed before it actually started affecting me negatively. But oh my god she was so condescending and made me feel like I was so stupid and absolutely fucked my handwriting. Also people noticed the attention she gave me and made fun of being for being “retarded” which was fun.

  • I think a more interesting (and less dubious) example of this would be Vocaloid and to a greater extent, cevio AI

    Vocaloid is a synth bank where instead of the notes being musical instruments, they’re phonemes which have been recorded and then packaged into a product which you pay for, which means royalties are involved (I think there might also be a thing with royalties for big performances and whatnot?) Cevio AI takes this a step further by using AI to better smooth together the phonemes and make pitching sound more natural (or not - it’s an instrument, you can break it in interesting ways if you try hard enough). And obviously, they consented to that specific thing and get paid for it. They gave Yamaha/Sony/the general public a specific character voice and permission to use that specific voice.

    (There’s a FOSS voicebanks but that adds a different layer of complication to things like I think a lot of them were recorded before the idea of an “AI bank” was even a possibility. And like, while a paid voice bank is a proprietary thing, the open source alternatives are literally just a big file of .WAVs so it’s much easier to go outside their intended purposes)

  • This doesn’t sound like they’re charging extra if you’re over a certain weight, which is what a lot of people here seem to be assuming. Its data collection for future designs.

    People are aware that you get charged for overweight baggage for health and safety reasons, right? Anything over about 20 kilos is too heavy for a single person to safely handle so they have to get two people to do it, which costs more time and money. I would be very genuinely surprised if a few dozen more kilos from overweight baggage and people would be enough to seriously impact a plane’s flight unless you’re on a small town hopper

  • I’d also add to the discussion that the reason why Norway (and I think Iceland too) eat it as “tradition” isn’t because it’s some sacred animal or traditional or something, it’s because up until very recently both countries were dirt poor and neither country is particularly great when it comes to arable land that you can grow veggies or animals on. Whale is a physically big source of red meat that lives not that far off the coast, and has tons of other uses besides food too. They’re also small countries so using them as a food source isn’t that damaging (hell I’m pretty sure out of the entire Norwegian fishing industry the whaling part is probably the least environmentally destructive part of it)

    Also grilled whale is like, really nice. It’s like if tuna was a red meat.

  • I get it’s probably because people just aren’t used to the idea of eating whale, but it’s odd you’re being downvoted when like that’s kinda the stance I think a lot of environmentalists have here in Norway, though I think the comparison is more to like venison than cows, because venison’s hunted but cows are raised. In the grand scheme of things, the beef industry does way more damage and has more ethical concerns than the strictly regulated whaling industry and we should be focusing our attention on that. I could be completely off though - I ain’t from Oslo and whale is regularly available on the supermarket shelves in the season so I’m obviously somewhat biased here. I know a lot of people have ethical concerns but like, I don’t get it. Pigs are smarter than a whale, but people aren’t upset at pork chops.

    Also idk how reliable it is because obviously it’s a biased source, but according to the fishing industry pound for pound whale’s actually way better for the environment than any farmed red meat because you’re, y’know, not raising it.

  • Squids@sopuli.xyztoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    On one hand yeah they’re stupid annoying

    On the other hand, I’m pretty sure for like Mormons and JWs where they’re sending over like kids barely out of highschool for missionary work in another country that’s the entire point. They’re not there to convert anyone, they’re there to instil a sense of fear into these kids by showing them that everyone who isn’t apart of their church hates them even though they’re only trying to ‘help’. Being rude to them just proves their church’s point.

    Or: actually the fastest way to get put on their blacklist is to be really genuinely nice (but still firm) to the missionaries because you’re proving them wrong about how mean and horrible the outside world is

  • Squids@sopuli.xyztoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    11 months ago

    They’re just so fussy - like for example growing up we had to use floor lamps everywhere in our house because whoever before us wired up the overhead lights used a really low max wattage so we were stuck with a pissy lumen output

    Now with LEDs? I can stuff 1k lumen bulbs into a 40 watt socket with no problem! I can finally fucking see things now without needing like five extra lights! And I don’t need to worry about heat! (As much).