I don’t care what people say, the most important historical event in my lifetime was the discovery and release of the lost Steely Dan tape containing The Second Arrangement

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • For me, it was The Beatles’ new “Now and Then” track. A couple of things to mention though:

    • I was born after 1996. This is the only new Beatles song released in my lifetime that hasn’t appeared as bootlegs or the like. Unless Hell freezes over and they release “Carnival of Light”, this is the only opportunity I will ever have to experience a truly new track by the group.

    • I didn’t have as strong of a reaction the first that I heard it. Or the second time. I suffer from TMJ, which tenses and aches my jaw and puts pressure on my inner ear, oftentimes dampening my hearing. It wasn’t until late the date of release that my jaw popped and released the tension which it had had that day and I could hear clearly. The first thing I did was put on the new song so I could experience it in its whole. And there were so many layers to it that I couldn’t hear with the first listens. There was a mix of appreciation marred by the frustration of how fleeting the moment was, not just from being part of the once in a lifetime zeitgeist but also a brief moment of physical relief and undamped senses.