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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023


  • I know it doesn’t really count - but I saw The Lion King the last time they toured before sticking to Broadway and man. I get really emotional with live music and cried through the whole thing, damn frission lol. Still, an utterly incredible performance and one that I would happily see again even if it meant going to NYC.

    For an actual concert, gosh there are so many to choose from. But I saw Shawn James in a tiny little venue in Seattle where I stood on a balcony and watched the show from on high. I’ve never been one for psychedelic music and his definitely isn’t that, but there were a few times where the energy in the room and the music and the atmosphere was absolutely transcendent in a way I can only describe as psychedelic. Truly incredible.

  • Didn’t read the article, but my partner and I went on a Caribbean cruise in 2022 ish. Generally, it was fine. We had a good time.

    But personally I would never do that again. I hate crowds and it was super crowded, I’m shy and awkward and didn’t try to meet anyone new, and I just felt weird on the land excursions where the locals seemed like they hated their jobs but it was the best industry for them to feed their families.

    I will say the restaurants on board were phenomenal (but not included in the price point), and the shows were fun. But the best time I had was just spent on my balcony, watching the world go by.

  • I actually want them to step away from 5e/DnD in general. I loved DOS2, but I agree with another commenter that the vast swaths of elements made things challenging in a frustrating way at times. Not that that shouldn’t be a tactic to be used, but it definitely was egregious in DOS2.

    5E is just… A fuckin mess when it comes to balancing the game - said as a long time DM and player. There are so many things that just irritate the heck out of me with the system that can’t necessarily be balanced with a video game slapped overtop of it. (Not to say Larian didn’t do a good job with what they were given, but still)

    That being said, I am a total fanboy of Pathfinder 2e and the way things are balanced there, and I would love love love to see a CRPG under those rules. Especially if it was Larian-levels.

  • When I was a kid, I was in band class. We were having an end of the year big concert and my parents were coming for once. I was first chair and had a fun part in one of our songs so I was really excited to get to play for them for once.

    Because of my excitement and my being just a kid, I was bouncing around and the neck strap for my saxophone broke. I played tenor and there was no way my little hands could hold that thing up for a whole concert, so I was pretty much booted from the concert last minute. It broke my damn heart. Even thinking about it now makes me teary. All that hope just quashed because of some dumb mistake.

    Good news is that the band director did me a solid and let me walk out with my case to rest my sax on beside my chair, but the damage had already been done.