• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • There isn’t much of a difference between writing a theme for Guthemberg and the classic editor. In fact your current theme should work just fine in Guthemberg as it just adds the extra html for the built in blocks to your posts / pages. You aren’t required to create a block based theme and split everything into blocks, that’s kind of a myth around Guthemberg.

  • Innovation and privacy go hand in hand here at Mozilla

    As well as profits and corporate interests.

    People speak very good thing about Firefox but they like to hide and avoid the shady stuff. Let me give you the un-cesored version of what Firefox really is. Firefox is better than most, no double there, but at the same time they do have some shady finances and they also do stuff like adding unique IDs to each installation.

    Firefox does is a LOT of calling home. Just fire Wireshark alongside it and see how much calling home and even calling 3rd parties it does. From basic ocsp requests to calling Firefox servers and a 3rd party company that does analytics they do it all, even after disabling most stuff in Settings and config like the OP did.

    I know other browsers do it as well, except for Ungoogled and because of that I’m sticking with it. I would like to avoid programs that need no snitch whenever I open them. ungoogled-chromium + ublock origin + decentraleyes + clearurls and a few others.

    Now you’re free to go ahead and downvote this post as much as you would like. I’m sorry for the trouble and mental break down I may have caused by the sudden realization that Firefox isn’t as good and private after all.

  • “This is an isolated, ‘one-of-a-kind occurrence’ that has never before occurred with any of Google Cloud’s clients globally. This should not have happened.

    I don’t believe this is what that rare, what I believe is that this was the fist time it happened to a company with enough exposure to actually have in impact and reach the media.

    Either way Google’s image won’t ever recover from this and they just lost what small credibility they had on the cloud space and won’t be even considered again by any institution in the financial market - you know the people with the big money - and there’s no coming back from this.

  • Excellent explanation, however, technically it does not constitute an “odd spot.” Rather, it represents a “100% acceptable and evident position” as it brings benefits to all stakeholders, from accounting to the CEO. Moreover, it is noteworthy that investing in services or leasing arrangements increases expenditure, resulting in reduced tax liabilities due to lower reported profits. Compounding this, the prevailing high turnover rate among CEOs diminishes incentives for making significant long-term investments.

    In certain instances, there is also plain corruption. This occurs when a supplier offering services such as computer and server leasing or software, as well as company car rentals, is owned by a friend or family member of a C-level executive.