• 3 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2024


  • I don’t get what vatniks and Russian trolls are trying to do. Yes, Ukraine is at war and conscription is enforced. So what? What do they expect from a country invaded unprovoked and in a total war as a result?

    I think what trolls are trying to do is not trying to demoralise the opponents, but reinforce the propaganda back home in Russia. Russian propaganda is already telling the Russians that they are winning and Ukraine is losing, even though Russia have lost way more soldiers than Ukrainians did in terms of ratio. Yes, Ukraine has fewer people so they are running out of soldiers and recruiting older folks; but Russia has lost plenty more but don’t want to tap the huge but politically-sensitive Russian urban population who will not appreciate being drafted.

  • this ignores the key issue that in Germany, there was already an extensive and perfectly functional nuclear industry.

    Shhh… anti-nuclear don’t want to hear this. They’d rather project, even though people are talking about how stupid closing down the current nuclear infrastructure and not advocating to build new ones!

    I don’t support building new nuclear power plants, but it’s ridiculous to close down already existing ones given the threat of climate change. NPP should act more like stop gap until renewable energy can take over more effectively.

  • You’re getting downvoted, but a lot of people who only hear of the conflict from their own bubble and from what mainstream media reports do not realise that there are various factions within Palestine. So much so that there was a civil war between PLO and Hamas. PLO controls West Bank while Hamas controls Gaza from this resulting conflict.

    In any case, Fatah and Hamas are untrustworthy, while the moderate PLO are neutered and often accused by ordinary Palestinians as puppet for Israel.

    Palestine is not wholly represented by one government or faction. I’m afraid you’re right on this. I think the only way for there to be peace is for ordinary Israelies and Palestinians to mutually demand to their politicians to renounce violence and both accept the two-state solution.