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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Actually the low cost part of this was that they weren’t upgraded cells. Just tested-good cells from other battery packs. Most of the time it’s just a couple cells in the bigger battery that have issues, and they take those out of the pool and make a good amount of $$$ because we were required to send back all of our cells. Assuming that of the 26 (iirc) cells that 3 or 4 were bad that’s a big profit margin for sure. The car worked great after swapping them out.

  • Yes. Just being in better shape helped my confidence a lot. I went sort of all-in on getting into shape and worked out fairly religiously for a while. It SUCKED at first but once it became routine it got a lot easier. I did all sorts of exercise, weights, cardio, etc…. One side benefit is that I didn’t get sick (a cold or anything!) the entire time I was working out like crazy. My life circumstances changed a couple years ago making that much time a practical impossibility, but even a few years on, I’m still down a bunch of weight which helps!

  • You want an honest answer?
    No. No I don’t.

    I comment and share links at about the same rate as I did when I was primarily on Reddit. I’m less interested in Reddit these days and probably split my time 50-50. I’m pissed at what they did and continue to do, and the quality of the content has clearly taken a hit across the broader Reddit community but it’s still SO MUCH BIGGER than the entire fediverse that there is hundreds if not thousands of times the people and content.

    I’ve tried to get a couple of groups off the ground, but I’m just not that guy and wasn’t on Reddit either.

    I am not commenting on Reddit much anymore tho, due to the aforementioned behavior by Spez et al.

  • I had a bit of an epiphany a decade or two back that I wished the same wish, and realized that if nobody else was going to be “that guy” that I’d have to do it. My neighbors hardly even knock on my door, but just walk right in now. They also know that I may or may not have beer in the fridge, and they’ve realized that they can find their own cups/plates/spoons etc. Its low stress at my house. Not always clean and neat, but that’s on them… if you want a spotless, perfectly planned party, they’re welcome to invite me to theirs lol. So far, nobody’s complained :)

  • I’m “that guy” in my neighborhood. Burgers ,beer and football are generally at my house. I invite neighbors to dinner all the time. Just this evening one of them texted a half dozen of us because their shredded cheese was moldy and they had a different set of friends coming for dinner. A neighbor i introduced to this newish neighbor walked a bag of cheese over to them.

    Best part is that when everyone gets drunk, nobody has to drive. Or if I’m at a party at their house and need to poop, I can walk an extra 200 feet and use my own bathroom. I have keys to at least 4 of their houses.

    Neighbor friends are the best.

  • I’m pretty much the target for this, I travel a lot for work and it’d be nice to have a place to “office” out of, but the competition here is:

    1. Free - Even after checking out of my hotel, the lobby always has a corner or two to work in and decent wi-if. 1a) I have status at one chain and they’re always great about just letting me walk in to any of the chain and suck up some internet and plug in my laptop, even if I wasn’t staying there. Bonus is that they usually have coffee!

    2. Free - my car. With tethering my phone to my laptop, I’ve done more calls than I care to admit by just finding a random shady place to park the car and get to work. 2a) The park (when it’s nice enough outside)

    3. Free- Libraries - The public library system is great. Not a good place to take calls, but if you need a place with a chair and internet to do some work, it’s an option.

    4. Free - Client’s offices. I have a good enough relationship with a number of clients that I can ask to take over an empty desk (one even has an empty office with a KILLER view of the city that they’re just fine with me taking over for a couple hours.

    5. Cheap - Coffee shops. Buy a drink (bonus) and grab a seat for a bit. They’re super abundant and you can almost always find one close to your next meeting.

    I’m certain that WeWork has its benefits, but competing with free is pretty hard.

  • Is it really unclear? If you had never heard of a product, you would much less likely purchase it. If Coke stopped advertising today, they’d start a very slow but real loss of market to it’s competiton, be it Pepsi or whatever. Note that a LOT of advertising is not for you. It’s for the corporate buyer at name your favorite restaurant so that they think that they’ll get more consumers in the door because they have Coke products, as opposed to some other brand.