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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 24th, 2023


  • To be clear, the headline refers to yank degrees:

    In outdoor tests in Arizona, the textile stayed […] 16 F (8.9 C) cooler than regular silk, a breathable fabric often used for dresses and shirts.

    They didn’t really compare it to many materials it seems.

    I also don’t know why they said 16+ degrees. That was the largest temperature delta they saw, not the least…

    Besides, this is only part of the tale:

    • Is it affordable?

    • Is it mass manufacturable?

    • Is it comfortable?

    • Is it durable?

    • Is it washable?

    • Is it crease prone?

    • Can it be easily mixed with other materials, e.g. to make it elasticated?

    • Is it recyclable?

    • Is it dyeable?

    • is it fine for sensitive skin?

    • etc

    Sounds cool (heh) though. I’m often too warm.

  • It’s not even worth explaining because it’s so obvious that they do. If you said that eating chicken raw is good for you I also wouldn’t bother explaining why that’s not true. I’d just call it out as nonsense.

    You insulted me first, dipshit. Quit advertising to the world how stupid you are. I don’t know what kind of brainrot you’re experiencing, but you should get it looked at.

    You’re honestly arguing that companies aren’t incentivised to do things like make profit? Or retain employees? You are brain-dead lmao

  • Internally, AMD got pretty far along in making an ARM architecture called K12, but it got scrapped because they didn’t have the money to make two architectures, so they focused on Zen.

    And AMD is likely working on ARM stuff right now.

    Reportedly, they recently restarted their efforts on an ARM SoC design in order to try to get Nintendo to switch (heh) to them for the Switch 2. Nintendo stuck with Nvidia because they could guarantee 100% backwards compatibility with the Switch and AMD couldn’t.

    Again reportedly, AMD didn’t shut their new ARM group after this, seeing that Microsoft is opening up Windows to non-Qualcomm ARM SoCs (believe it or not, MS did give Qualcomm an exclusivity deal for Windows on ARM). AMD wants in on that before others take up a piece of that pie.

  • In some ways I can see this being potentially problematic, however…

    For-profit dating apps (i.e. all dating apps) are shit.

    Not only do they aggressively restrict a lot of basic features behind shockingly expensive paywalls, but they also mess around with the recommendation algorithm to make you feel like you feel like you have to get the premium tier in order to even be seen sometimes.

    Plus they’re literally incentivised to keep you on the app - not match you up with someone permanently. And once you’ve proven you’re someone who’s willing to pay, they really won’t want to let you go.

    A publicly-owned dating app shouldn’t have these issues. Japan is incentivised to make good matches - they want to boost birthrates and curb the loneliness pandemic they’re experiencing.

    I just hope Japan is a country that takes privacy and security seriously.

    E: btw I mean publicly owned as in owned by the Japanese public, not as in publicly traded.

  • You post a lot of pro-china stuff. Strange.

    And the Imperial College of London is one of the top universities on the planet, certainly in the top 10, as are Cambridge and Oxford (shit, those two are probably in the top 3). Pretending otherwise is stupidity.

    Clearly the university did have stuff China wanted, otherwise China wouldn’t have targeted it. You don’t have to be educated at IC to figure that out.

    And partaking in American nationalist chest-thumping while at the same time being someone who regularly defends China is pretty interesting. You’d think they’d be mutually exclusive.