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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 19th, 2023


  • I believe the effect is entirely topical, it just doesn’t hurt to ingest a little too. The fluoride ions trigger re-hardening of the tooth enamel and can take the place of missing calcium in the outer enamel structure, but those only happen when they hit the outer enamel in your mouth, you don’t regrow enamel on fully formed teeth

  • We made a tag that can’t be reliably and deterministically scanned so we also included a machine learning model that takes a good guess at it.

    I just don’t see how you could possibly rely on a black box model for anything important. You have no way to mathematically prove if there are collisions in the model output or not, and newer versions of the model can’t be made backwards compatible. So if you have a database of thousands of these tags scanned, then they discover a critical vulnerability and provide a new model, you’re SOL and everything you have is worthless.