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Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • They made it the default option for businesses that routinely buy computers with less local storage than their users need. Pretty much every company I have worked for.

    They then pushed it out hard into the consumer market when SSD came out and the average storage space on lower end models dropped by 75%.

    I see why they did it, how they did it was in usual Microsoft fashion, idiotic.

    It’s sort of their pattern.

    1. Introduce new changes.

    2. Screw it up royalty.

    3. Fix the features that are salvageable and revert most of the remaining except: Double down on the shitty ones that they think will make them more money.

    4. Rinse and Repeat

  • “boy do I have thrips” triggered a funny memory.

    When I worked in Ag. Research we had a big international field day. People from 50+ countries visiting in. I got the wonderful job of doing presentations in the field all day long. This was in late summer on a bad thrip year.

    Well, one of the office goons decided that they would order all the staff polo shirts for the three day event. We were all supposed to wear the same color on the specified day.

    They ordered in a light blue, yellow, and green polos. The first day was to be light blue. I “accidentally” wore the green one instead and had a few very irate office goons on my back first off that morning. Strangely enough all of the experienced outdoor staff “accidently” wore the green shirt as well.

    For those that don’t know, thrips are highly attracted to light blue and they bite. I laughed my ass off most of the day.

    The following two days everyone wore green. Except for the one determined office goon who wore the yellow shirt. In a field full of honeybee hives…

  • If you are not a neat person it’s hard to change to one when you have kids. A few tricks that my wife and I learned.

    Have smaller places for everything to go. We used the cube storage units, small bins etc. Young children’s find things by doing the toy dump. The smaller the bin the less toys are dumped. It’s amazing how much this helps. To contain the mess.

    Make picking up the entire house part of the bedtime routine. It’s pointless to do it in the mornings or during the day. 10 minutes later and it’s a mess everywhere. While they pickup, you lightly clean, run the vacuum, sweep, run the dishwasher etc.

    The largest issue is the deep clean. Getting all those jobs done that you just can’t get do easily with young kids underfoot. We made enough money to afford to hire a college student to deep clean once a week. It was 4 hours once a week on Saturday morning. One of us would clean with the college student while the other took the kids out to do things away from the house. We had no family nearby otherwise we would have done what my Sister-in-law did. Drop the kids off at the grandparents for a few hours while she and her husband cleaned.