There is no left in Europe
There is no left in Europe
No but it is kinda funny watching Europe get all hysterical about it
Meh as a European I’ll believe that when Rammstein is empty and all us troops have left European soil.
He’s German so he’s probably just binging on sausages and beer.
Rare turkiye W
Brain drain USA let’s goooo
Timothy Leary just check out this theory he sold acid for the FBI
Yeah maybe the cia shouldn’t of used them in mind control experiments. Ah well
Wow guys it’s 1970
🎶I met jeffery Epstein at a psychedelic party🎶
Literally this, until it stops being some weird tech bro solution for society’s problems
Creepy and weird
Said the guy who calls himself a doctor who’s making the world better one genetic experiment at a time.
I firmly believe we should have more doctors deciding things like this as opposed to random people on the internet psychedelics are fucking dope, but they can also be used as a totalitarian tool. Never forget that Albert Hoffman had some sketchy ass esoteric nazi connections :)
Yeah I feel really bad for the guy.
yes even if the state does manage to buy back assets and hold them for a long time and actually run them properly as long as there are capitalists competing with the state there will always be an incentive to flog the states assets for cheap price and entshittify them it’s why social democracy is a bandaid
Because it’s OUR rules based international order not THE rules based international order. The head of the ICC was literally told that the ICC is only there to prosecute African leaders.
Lol I love your username and this take is correct :)
Ignoring Trump is one of the best moves you can do, he’d probably resign as president if he weren’t on television all the time and if nobody came to his press conferences.