I prioritize ethics over optics even if it means facing criticism.

Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

  • 13 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 13th, 2023


  • I’m the same. I’ve got like 17 reddit accounts with so much karma that I could probably make a couple bucks selling them. Instead I’ve just abandoned them and made new ones. This is my 3rd Lemmy account so far with similar number of comments. I should’ve made a new account by now anyway. Kind of glad no one has mentioned my name here though my ego would’ve liked if someone did.

  • Thepickardmaneuver or whatever and Luxefre or something are the only two I can think of. Another one posts a lot and the other made a good argument at some point.

    There’s a ton more that I recognize when I see their name but can’t think of of the top of my head.

    There are also few I’ve blocked that I don’t give the pleasure of mentioning their names.

    Edit: oh and kolanki(?)

  • Plumber & Home improvement contractor

    I recently started my own business and now I do variety of jobs related to home maintenance except electrical. If this’ll pay enough to keep me and my SO fed then based on my experience so far it was the best decision of my life. It doesn’t really even feel like work and 98% of customer encounters have been positive. I’ve gotten 5x more thank yous in 2 months than I got in 10 years at my previous job. We’ve all had bad experiences with shitty contractors. I truly try to not be one of them.

  • Where does the profit come from if someone who doesn’t deal with ads is forced to watch an ad?

    The creator gets paid for people watching the ads, not for buying the product. For the most part the point of ads is to increase brand recognition which in turn increases sales. Ads work wether you think they do or not. It’s among the most studied economic fields. There’s a good reason companies spend a ton of money on advertising. More people seeing ads = more sales. I too like to tell myself a story about how I’m immune to ads but I know I’m not.

    Data-invasive, targeted advertising is superfluous and needs to die.

    I agree. The alternative is paying for the service eg. subscribtion based business model.

    Targeted or not - I’m not going to watch ads. If it’s a bad service like Instagram I’m just going to stop using it but in the case of YouTube if they manage to make adblocking sufficiently difficult and inconvenient then I’m going to buy premium. I can’t blame them for wanting to get rid of freeriders. If I was them I would probably want to too. Blocking ads is like piracy; I participate in it but it cannot be morally justified. I’m effectively stealing.

  • No, I don’t think hating on fascists is the same but that assumes we’re speaking of actual fascists instead of more or less normal people who happen to lean right and get called fascists because it’s an easy label to throw at someone because we don’t like them and they’re making noises that remotely sound like something a fascist would make. It’s equivalent to the right calling someone a communist for advocating for things like UBI or higher taxes for the wealthy.

    People like Elon Musk gets called a nazi here daily. I don’t care how much one hates him, that’s just a blatantly false accusation but it gets the upvotes because what they’re essentially saying is “boo Elon” and that’s something most Lemmings agree with. This just dillutes the meaning of these labels to the point that people then are sceptical even when they’re used appropriately.

    It’s not about loving your enemy. Atleast not in my case. I’m only trying to remind people that groups consist of individuals and no two of them are the same. I don’t like how both sides so dishonestly represent eachother’s views on social media and use these extreme labels so lightly. I think in most things in life the truth is somwehere in the middle so wether it be left or right, the further one goes in that direction the more likely they’re to be at the wrong side of history. I’ll much rather trust the judgement of someone who whose beliefs are such a mixed bag that they’re near impossible to place on the political spectrum.

    I’m also just rambling here now. I don’t even remember what we were talking about anymore.

  • There’s no scarcity of hate on Lemmy either. It simply flies under the radar for most part because it’s directed at things we hate too. Exactly as is the case on far-right forums as well. Just read the comments of any thread about Elon, Police, Ai, Facebook, Twitter, Capitalism, Israel and so on. You even admit participating in it yourself.

    The far-right thinks of themselves as well meaning just as well. Nobody thinks of themselves as the bad guys. Claiming they intend to be hateful and evil is disingenuine. That’s only how you view them. Their view of us is hardly any different. Both views are wrong.