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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • One of the problems that we have is that a big chunk of the country for a month don’t have a single ray of sunshine due to polar nights. The problem is that that is when it’s complete darkness leading up to the point and going out of it takes time as well so solar is not an option at that time of the year. On top of that most of the land is “disputed” by indigenous people (don’t mark my words it’s a very touchy subject I don’t know how to express it better) or it’s a nature reserve area so wind farms are out of the question. So the only thing we have left is hydropowered electricity which isn’t clean at all as it destroys the natural course of the river up stream, destroys the river beds down stream and extremely reduces the fish populations as well as any greenery relying on the reliability of the rivers.

    With that said if we simplify it a bit about 46% of Swedens total energy production comes from the northern hydroelectric plants and wind farms and because of lacking infrastructure it can’t be transferred efficiently to southern Sweden where most of the consumption is happening. Of these 46% about only 30% is currently used but more companies have decided to establish their production in thr northern region due to the surplus of energy in this region.

    Southern Sweden on the other hand gets a lot of their energy from unreliable wind farms as well as nuclear energy. However due to the layout of the land hydroelectric is only viable in some places which have already been exploited. We can only install so many wind farms until it affects quality of life to the people and animals living nearby. On a good day southern Sweden is having a net zero energy production and consumption. Those days are fewer and further in between. Currently since closing a reactor two years ago we have had to reinstate an oil burning facility as well as buying unclean electricity from abroad to keep up with demand.

    So investing in nuclear to stabilise the production is one of very few options we currently have.

    It’s either that or moving either part of the population or factories to the northern part which is not really viable or sustainable eitherm

  • That is more than “Hey come here”.

    If it’s “hey come here (look at this for 5 seconds)” it’s a completely different thing that him getting his knickers in a bunch because you’re not following his narrative when you’re taking care of the household.

    The way you described it was more of him seeing something on the pc and asking you to come look or him asking you to come over and help him temporarily with something.

    Not disregard household chores so that you can play his game in the middle of the night.

    I would say it’s two different things completely.

    I am sorry that I misunderstood the situation. I would also tell him to man the fuck up or there will be consequences. And the consequences would be you not doing his part of the dishes or his psrt of the laundry so that he will have to pick up the slack or however the hell you want to retaliate. Unacceptable. You deserve someone who appreciates you for whonyou are and what you do.

  • Why wouldn’t you want to see the stuff that the person you like wants to show you? If you don’t want to go why don’t you just say “no”? Your partner isn’t a villain for wanting to show you stuff. They either wants to make your day a bit better, share something they like with you or they might need help with something.

    Because I really don’t get why you have to be anxious about “going over there”.