It was huge in the Ancient Gods 1 and 2. That one ghost enemy that would possess and power up others you had to hit with the microwave beam for example.
It was huge in the Ancient Gods 1 and 2. That one ghost enemy that would possess and power up others you had to hit with the microwave beam for example.
I’m hoping they move away from requiring specific weapons or mods to counter specific enemies. Stoked to learn more about Sentinel Prime.
This happens though. You can open a can of condensed soup or cranberries and it will pour out in the shape of the can because it’s all congealed together. Canned foods are usually pasteurized in the can and have a lot of preservatives and emulsifiers so that can help “fix” the texture for long term storage.
I’m replaying Doom Eternal right now and I feel this so hard. Even with ammo upgrades and judicious chainsaw use I’m constantly out of ammo. Really makes me wish for a melee weapon that doesn’t have limited fuel or whatever.
I find turning off motion blur and screen shake/weapon bobbing really helps for me. Assuming you have the option that is.
I keep taking breaks from Baldur’s Gate to play action/fps games. I can only handle so much turn based tactical gameplay at once.
I’m taking a break from BG3 to replay Doom Eternal. I got the DLC for it a while ago and never played. I also need the space back on my Steam Deck lol so I need to finish it so I can uninstall.
Pretty sure the webs are formulated to dissolve in a couple hours.
I personally don’t like Epic for paying developers for exclusivity deals, keeping games off other PC platforms for a year or more. Artificial scarcity is bad for consumers.
I’ve always liked the storm in the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC from Mass Effect 2. It takes place on a ship chasing the sunset on a planet with a really slow rotation, and there’s a massive storm at the terminator. It looks amazing.