Count Regal Inkwell

Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3

Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.

Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Why would I, a right wing libertarian, lend my time to developing a piece of software that I am unable to make a profit from? I have no motive.

    Because you do stand to gain regardless. “I have my code on the source of <major FOSS project every tech guy has heard of>” is like. Amazing portfolio material for any job interview. I had a friend get a job in the games industry (though they regret it to this day because the game industry sucks–) with nothing on his resumé except for a smattering of mods for popular games.

    Any pro-capitalist person with a functioning brain will acknowledge the role of non-monetary “Profits” in every human relationship, yanno?

  • I assume from your comment that you’re not Brazilian?

    Bolsonaro supporters knew “military backed coup” was the plan since day 0 and had been actively asking for it. “coup” might carry a bad stigma elsewhere, but for Brazilian right wingers and boomers in general?

    The “good old days” for them have a name and that name is “the military dictatorship years. Particularly the 70s which were the most repressive years of the dictatorship”. When saying anything slightly to the left of Hitler would get you disappeared and tortured to death.

    (thanks for funding that, America!)

    Bolsonaro’s entire brand was built on nostalgia for the dictatorship, his big call to fame was that during Dilma’s impeachment trial he made a salute to a dictatorship era officer that was known for being particularly psychotic on his victims

    There wasn’t a single Bolsonaro supporter who didn’t know this was the plan, or that didn’t enthusiastically desire a coup.

    Also also when Bolsonaro left the country in a feeble attempt to escape the consequences of his actions (he was forced to return a few months later) his fandom took to camping outside military bases, hoping the military would go ahead with the coup, Bolsonaro or no Bolsonaro. :3c

  • I would like to note that my shitehole of a third world home country has public healthcare.

    It’s not excellent, far from it, it’s in fact very flawed: It’s underfunded, depending on the area you’ll be “queuing up” for your consultation for so long that you’ll either recover on your own or drop dead, and sometimes doctors have to push ghetto treatments because the real thing is too expensive, so if you have the option, you’d rather not.

    … But it exists, it genuinely saves lives, and also – In existing it also drives down the price of private healthcare, meaning that middle-class folks (like me!) can afford it without being sent over the poverty line.

    Crazy how that works. We’ve been Murica’s bitch for two centuries now, but life here still seems miles kilometers better than over there.

  • I am not surprised that this is happening. What I am surprised is how many people have no idea how fucked up this law is or its implications, and are therefore defending it because “lawl le crinj china app xdxdxdxdddd”

    Bro. This law literally bans the usage of VPNs to access foreign sites and services. Even China won’t fuck with that, and they invented the concept of having a separate internet that abides by their censorship. VPNs are legal and common there. Also, like, this thing we are using? The Fediverse? Where half the servers are not in the US of A? Say goodbye to IT as well.

    Y’all are cheering for the building of “The Great Firewall, but painted Red White and Blue” but don’t even realise it because you think an app where some kids do dumb dances is literally the devil.

    Anyway, enjoy your self-made dystopia, I’ll be here in the third world laughing at your faces.