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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2024


  • Yeah and all the communist states are super ecologically friendly, oh no you don’t belive they are communist do you? Handy.

    But let’s imagine a perfectly communist society, are workers all able to heat their house? Able to travel freely? Enjoy hobbies? If you answered yes to these then your either going to need magic or energy.

    You can’t just pretend capitalism is responsible for everything bad, unchecked consumption can happen in any system as can over production, ecological destruction, and all sorts of potential problems. I would love to transition to a decent type of communism but I’m not going to pretend it’ll fix the climate on its own.

  • Yeah it’s funny because they give themselves away so easily by refusing to admit positive social and personal effects and magnifying absurd arhuments against.

    Like the other reply I always see them push the genocide ones, of course if you get into details they freak out because the accusation is kinda stupid - lemmy by design couldn’t do the thing they say Facebook should to have stopped the genocide so if you believe it’s valid and use lemmy you’d be being super hypocritical - but of course they don’t care, they’re reaching for criticism not actually trying to understand it.

    It’s kinda scary really how little people care about reality, it’s the same thing on Facebook with the boomer conspiracy stuf, phones bad, kids not manly, and all that stuff. They’re not looking for truth or trying to make the world better, they’re trying to find excuses to feel superior.

  • I would just like to take this moment to suggest people find a comfortable place to sit with a stiff drink, spliff or whatever and listen to the first chapter of the audio book - and I mean really listen, actively visualize the story and everything being described, let yourself really emotionally connect with the events as much as possible - it’s a really powerful and well written bit of action sci-fi.

    It’s on YouTube read by Christopher Hurt, first chapter is about 40 min, I’ve read a lot of sci-fi and it’s without a doubt in my mind the strongest and most thought provoking opening to a Sci fi. It gets you pulled into the characters, the world, and emotion without a break in the action - and for a book punished in 1959 the action is unbelievably believable, it’s hard to imagine better high energy action sci-fi combat – someone needs to make a real gritty anime of it.

  • It’s all people who don’t read much or only read modern stuff, heinlein was an author who explored ideas he wasn’t someone who believed that his job was to tell people what to think. People who think the book is trying to be pro or anti anything are honestly borderline illiterate, they certainly haven’t read his other work.

    The movie is just a dumbed down action movie directed by someone who didn’t really understand or enjoy the book - is a great movie for an action movie but it’s not very well thought out and it’s certainly not deeply thoughtful.

    The film misses all key moments - the first scene, Zim throwing the knife, etc and everything subtle that really makes the story and emotion work - for the film the ending makes no sense, in the book it’s really powerful.

    The movie isn’t really about much, the book is about everything - along side Friday and Stranger it’s a fascinating insight into the evolution of Americanism and cultural ideals pushed to absurdity. That’s not to say it should be read expecting answers, prime golden era sci-fi wasn’t about giving answers it’s about posing questions - hence foundation, the laws of robotics series, Stainless steel rat, etc - ‘We must be as stealthy as rats in the wainscoting of their society’ it’s not about telling you how to live or how not to live it’s about showing possibilities you probably haven’t thought to explore.

  • The first time she got internet backlash was when the rape crisis center she was funding wanted to be a safe space where women with extreme trauma would be away from the source of their trauma i.e. humans with penises.

    Restricting access by sex rather than gender was seen as deeply offensive and she got a lot of hate, death threats and etc which resulted in her getting in arguments that pushed her into becoming ever more outspoken.

  • The two nearest nuclear plants to me both had to do serious cleanup after problems were discovered, it’s not just the list of big problems people worry about - especially when the nuclear lobby say things like ‘they’re safe as long as they’re run properly and no one cuts corners, but please don’t regulated them properly or they won’t be cost effective’

    Rich people stand to make a monopoly if we’re all dependent on nuclear and they can’t have that monopoly with solar and wind - maybe it’s time to accept a lot of pro nuclear talking points come financially interested parties too.