• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • I think there are many great filters, but I think one of those filters is fighting over limited resources and wars. Perhaps limited to humans/earth, but I doubt it. Nukes, dropping rocks from orbit, and theoretical (but possible) weapons like black hole bombs are all going to tempt irrational beings to take someone’s stuff.

    We have to be extremely careful that we don’t accidentally trigger a weapon that is going to kill or dramatically cripple our civilization before we become a truly interstellar species. There is so much to learn out there, while so many people are currently focused on the wrong things such as minor conflicts or what children aren’t allowed to learn.

  • One of the images that has haunted me for years was a big protest over an important event that warranted a serious discussion and protest. But in the middle of it, someone broke into a nearby restaurant and made off with an entire cheesecake. Broad daylight, right in front of news cameras, their pale-ass face giving no fucks in the world.

    Fucking opportunists. They used to come every year and trash parts of the city during protests. Whenever they’d get arrested, they’d always be from neighboring states, never locals. It generates a massive amount of ill-will and casts legitimate protests in a bad light.

    Regardless of outcome, though, the most important thing we can all do is vote. Get everyone you can to actually turn out for local elections, state/province/territory elections, and national elections. Protesting is another tool between voting.

  • There have been studies debunking claims of bike-induced ED, buuuuut, if you are really worried, you can get a ventilated or slotted saddle and occasionally stand up on your bike at traffic stops and such. There are specialized saddles and a variety of bikes with different riding positions.

    I love downhill mountain biking, singletrack, and city riding, and never had issues with getting it up either. When the shitty OEM saddle made my balls fall asleep, I swapped to a better saddle made by SQ Labs and changed the seat angle slightly.

    Also… if ED were an issue, the Netherlands and Japan would be like…sterile, hahah

  • Get an ebike. I wear normal clothes. Lycra is for fitting in to fitness biking groups, most don’t wear it.

    I just use my ebike as a car alternative so I don’t have to fight for parking at popular spots in the city or pay for $5/gal gas unnecessarily (unless I’m actually going to a remote place, then I use my car). Gets me to my destination in roughly the same amount of time due to traffic lights and bad traffic. I’ve actually beaten friends in Ubers because the bike paths are much more direct, typically.

    Recharging costs pennies, and I’m usually down to half a battery 45 miles in as long as I’m going in hybrid mode where I’m still pedaling. Gets you stupidly into shape as a side benefit, since you are always pedaling and you can turn the battery off if you want a 67lb exercise bike that also goes places.

    Throw some panniers on and you can carry or tow a decent amount of stuff since the bike is electric.