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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I think pretty much everyone views their political ideology as “the one that stands for freedom”, and it just comes down to what it means to be “free”, and the follow up of free from what.

    I feel like libertarians would love the concept of FOSS and decentralization, and I don’t think anyone would argue they skew left.

    So, I disagree that FOSS is inherently left wing. I think it’s attractive to the left wing for many good reasons. I think people project their own politics onto whatever they love, and things can be loved by very different groups for different reasons.

  • I think if society is putting “normal” on a pedestal, admiring and adoring that “trait”, that’s what a narcissist will want to be viewed as, and would fight any statement suggesting the contrary.

    In the last decade, I’d say that there have been plenty of examples of social media elevating and celebrating many neuro-divergent conditions. Autism, ADHD, Tourette’s and DID.

    I think that’s awesome, and I love it, and I never want things to go back on this. My nephews are diagnosed by an actual doctor neurospicy and I’m like, overcome and overwhelmed with gratitude that they’ll get to opportunity to grow up in a world of acceptance that I couldn’t have dared to dream could exist when I was a kid.

    But, this new reality has brought out the narcissists like flies to honey. Suddenly everyone was self diagnosing DID. The irony being that they don’t have DID, but that it’s a huge red flag for narcissism.

  • I don’t think libertarians really see wage slavery as the worst thing.

    I think the fundamental difference is that libertarians don’t care about outcomes. Or, at least they don’t think that they do as long as they have food in their stomach and a barrier against the cold.

    In their minds, it’s all about them not being compelled to partake in anything they don’t want to. If that means starving, fine (so they say, and I’m very suspicious of this claim), but at least there was no authority over them.

    Most sane people strike a balance between valuing good practical outcomes, and more abstract notions like liberty and justice.

    Full authoritarians say that only outcomes are important, that abstract notions like freedom are impediments to the greatest good, and you end up with things like the USSR.

    So you’re right that there wouldn’t be a minimum wage… But you’re wrong to appeal to the concept of wage slavery because it presupposes a libertarian values satisfactory outcomes. They don’t.

    Honestly there is no talking down a libertarian without first convincing them their lives are worth more than some definition of liberty.