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Joined 16 days ago
Cake day: February 5th, 2025

  • I’ve come to notice that the rest of the world is already beginning to leave us behind. The realization came with the TikTok ban. Soon as I heard that TikTok could be banned, I started looking for alternatives because I was pretty sure it was going to happen. I stumbled upon XHS by accident and about a month before everyone else. I was absolutely fucking blown away by China. It’s unlike we’ve been told in almost all respects…

    I really came to realize that other countries are leaving us in their dust and it’s only a matter of time before we’re not the Apex predator anymore, and frankly I can hardly blame them.

  • I quite literally don’t have the mental fortitude to fight with your incompetence. It absolutely amazes me that we live in a day and a time when people like you don’t understand what renaming something is. It makes me want to fucking cry–how we could have fallen so far as a civilization…

    See my analogy about the school principal. I pray you’re smart enough to connect the dots, but I’m not holding out hope.

    I can’t find reference to this, and Google’s saying that it’s their choice here:

    Of course it’s their choice. In the same way that it’s your choice whether or not to pay taxes. That doesn’t mean there’s no consequences if you don’t.

  • A country can specify use of an official name internally.

    Which is not renaming. That’s not what that word means.

    But a leader could tell the government that he runs to use it.

    Yes, this is exactly what I’ve said. Trump spent tens of millions telling his own Government to change the designation of a location that we don’t own, and people suck his dick like he did something amazing. He quite literally wasted everyone’s time and money for nothing.

    Even in the US, private organizations are not legally-required to call it “Gulf of America”.

    This is incorrect. Google, a private organization is legally required to call it the Gulf of America because they’re a defense contractor.

    It’s not that unusual for names to differ across countries.

    This isn’t a difference in language. It’s been called the Gulf of Mexico globally since 1550. So for 475 years every single country in the world has called it by its proper name, and now, for no reason whatsoever, we call it something different. The sheer ignorance and stupidity of it is positively baffling–most of all because people pretend like it’s not a big deal.

  • This is why I hate you people. Like truly hate you. Because you’re so incredibly fucking stupid. Trump didn’t even rename the damn thing. Not only does he not have that power, but it’s not an asset owned by the US. But even if we did own it, he still couldn’t do it. What he did was change US official policy to reflect that the Gulf of Mexico should now federally be referred to as the Gulf of America.

    You don’t even understand what it is that he did. It’s tantamount to getting a phone call by your kids Principal saying “hey, I renamed your kid to Samantha” and you being like “well, that’s not legal… why are you so goddamn stupid?” and people being like “LOL THE PRINCIPAL ALREADY RENAMED HER, YOU CAN’T ARGUE WITH REALITY! TEEE HEE!” when in “reality” the only thing the Principal did was update your kids name in the schools computer software because it’s not possible for someone to rename shit that they don’t own…

    That’s not even a statement I can respond to

    Yeah. I figured you couldn’t.

    You just showed proof that Trump provided lower gas prices than other presidents.

    I even specifically took the time to tell you how to read the chart, and it’s blatantly obvious that you not only didn’t read me telling you that higher numbers are better for the ratios, but you don’t understand it, either.

    Intelligence is trying to catch you, but you’re just too damn fast, aren’t you?

  • Reminds me of the ‘gulf of America.’ No, it’s not an egomaniac move. Changing the water nationality changes the tax rate on oil aka gas prices. Trump has historically maintained favor with gas prices.

    You completely lost me.

    1. Trump cannot rename the Gulf of Mexico. It’s not land that the US owns. It’s international waters.
    2. The “nationality” didn’t change. So your little tirade about taxes is not only supreme bullshit, but it’s not even in the same universe as correct.
    3. Trump has historically had higher gas prices than almost any other President.

    The proof is in the pudding;

    President Years in Office Avg. Gasoline Price (USD/gallon) Median Household Income (Approx.) Ratio (Income/Gas Price)
    Joe Biden 2021–Present ~$3.50–$5.00 ~$70,000 ~14,000–20,000
    Donald Trump 2017–2021 ~$2.30–$2.90 ~$65,000 ~22,400–28,300
    Barack Obama 2009–2017 ~$2.00–$3.80 ~$55,000 ~14,500–27,500
    George W. Bush 2001–2009 ~$1.50–$4.00 ~$50,000 ~12,500–33,300
    Bill Clinton 1993–2001 ~$1.00–$1.50 ~$40,000 ~26,700–40,000
    George H. W. Bush 1989–1993 ~$1.00–$1.20 ~$35,000 ~29,200–35,000
    Ronald Reagan 1981–1989 ~$1.20–$1.40 ~$25,000 ~17,900–20,800
    Jimmy Carter 1977–1981 ~$0.65–$1.25 ~$20,000 ~16,000–30,800
    Gerald Ford 1974–1977 ~$0.55–$0.60 ~$15,000 ~25,000–27,300
    Richard Nixon 1969–1974 ~$0.35–$0.55 ~$10,000 ~18,200–28,600

    The price of gasoline means absolute dick at the end of the day. The ratio of median household income to the price of gasoline is what’s important. The closer to 0 = more expensive. These numbers are skewed by 1 year and stop in 2024, unfortunately. So that means that COVID is showing during 2021 of Biden’s Presidency. But if you take Biden out to account for COVID you’ll see that the only other President, during which the price of fuel was extremely expensive, was Bush 2 and that’s because we went to War in Iraq which is reflected in Obama’s term…

    There’s absolutely zero validity to your statement whatsoever.

  • It’s not at all what you just said. Because it’s not renaming.

    I honestly don’t know how to make this any simpler to digest for you. The EO changes the way the Gulf of Mexico is referenced in official correspondence for the Federal Government. It does not change the name for anyone but the federal government. That’s not the same as renaming it. The US doesn’t own it and can’t rename it.

    Google is a Government contractor and is required to follow US policy to keep those contracts, which is why they’ve also changed it…

    Truly I can’t make it any simpler.

    It would be the same as if Congress passed memorandum changing the name of China to “Teddybear Land.” It doesn’t ipso facto change the name of China for the entire world–but instead when the federal government references China, instead of using the word China they’d use “Teddybear Land.”

    It’s semantics and I cannot for the life of me understand why people are having an issue digesting what’s going on.

  • It doesn’t “rename” anything. It means the official US position is that the Gulf of Mexico doesn’t exist and instead it’s the Gulf of America. It’s not forcing anyone to call it that other than for official purposes–like in Governmental memos and official US documents–least of all foreign Governments or their people.

    The US doesn’t own the Gulf. We can’t unilaterally change the name. But when the US Government officially refers to the Gulf, it will now be called the Gulf of America. That’s what the executive order did.

  • Here you go;

    American University Law Review (2009) - The Limits of Executive Power:

    The President has broad discretion in choosing how to exercise these implied powers. Second, these implied powers are not plenary in nature. They are subject to three basic limitations: (1) the President may not, without congressional authorization, use these powers to change domestic law or create or alter existing legal obligations; (2) these powers are subject to regulation by Congress; and (3) in the event of a conflict between the exercise of these powers and congressional legislation, the latter prevails.

    There’s no conflict and therefore within the power of the executive branch.

  • So you are gonna have to provide a source explaining how the president using an executive order to rename international water is “policy” that Google must follow.

    It’s the executive branch. It would be the same as if Congress did the same, and passed a law saying “The Gulf of Mexico is now the Gulf of America.” There’s no source required, it’s literally how the US Government works, but if you want one; American University Law Review (2009) - The Limits of Executive Power:

    The President has broad discretion in choosing how to exercise these implied powers. Second, these implied powers are not plenary in nature. They are subject to three basic limitations: (1) the President may not, without congressional authorization, use these powers to change domestic law or create or alter existing legal obligations; (2) these powers are subject to regulation by Congress; and (3) in the event of a conflict between the exercise of these powers and congressional legislation, the latter prevails.

    There’s no federal law establishing the name of the Gulf of Mexico, so there’s no conflict with the first limitation. No one in Congress is willing to stop him, so no conflict with the second. And there’s no conflict with existing congressional legislation, so there’s no conflict with the third. So therefore the executive order is within the power of the executive branch.

    Because Google is a US company and operates within the US, it has to follow US policy. The President just changed US policy to change the name of the Gulf of Mexico… So they either have to comply or be sued by the executive for not following US policy–which they’ll lose.

    They you’ll have to explain why I, as a Canadian, have to see this stupid renaming in parentheses.

    Because again, Google is a US company. So if you want to see Gulf of Mexico again, use any map provider that isn’t from a US company.

    If the US truely doesn’t have a system beyond “once the president orders it, it’s renamed.”

    That’s an extreme oversimplification of what’s going on here. But it kinda outlines how important it is to elect good people, huh?

  • There is no jurisdiction. I’m speaking exclusively about France…

    If France convinces themselves that they have the right to limit access to websites via VPN and other likewise software, it’s only a matter of time before they convince themselves that they have the right to limit access at the ISP level.

    Then once precedence is set, other European countries will follow Frances’ example.

    The Internet was designed to withstand nuclear weapons. It’s not going down without a fight.

    If you believe this statement to be accurate at all you’re not paying attention…