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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 9th, 2024


  • They literally said:

    Perpetual growth in a finite system is impossible

    I don’t see how your comment applies to that.

    Knowlegde growth may be sustainable, but it is also impossible to grow forever. (Supposing knowlegde is finite, which is, as far as I see it, the case as long as we make the definition of knowledge depend on characteristics like repition-free and new. For example, you could learn the number pi to even longer lenghts forever, but doing that is not necessarily something new to know as it’s just a manifestation of a repition which was already discovered.)

    I’m intrigued how you would explain that economies could grow independently of resources. From my perspective, it looks a lot like each and every form of economy relies somehow on some form of resource or resources. As resources are finite, economies can’t grow forever.

  • That wouldn’t end the war, that would result in the continued wholesale slaughter of eastern Ukranians by their own government

    Did Ukraine do that? Genuine question, not really educated in the pre-war history. Sounds a bit unbelievable to me at first glance. Feel free to provide reading material.

    Please stop thinking about geopolitics in childish terms of maniacs and minions, life is not a Marvel movie.

    Of course not. I wanted to keep it short and on point.
    However, war will continue as long as there are forces at play who want the war. Putin is certainly one of these war-driving forces, as well as his minions his top-people in military and politics. Given the expansionistic approach, the numerous threats, even against children, creates a pretty insane picture.