• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • My (self-hosted) Mastodon server seems unable to view profiles on Threads. As far as I can tell, there’s nobody to talk to about that.

    I don’t have high hopes about Meta having good intentions here, but I am eager to see platforms that would have previously been walled gardens open up to the federated model. I do think we have some work to do on the open source side to manage the potential massive increase in exposure once Threads users can follow users of other software.

    Of course you can pick a server that blocks Threads if you just don’t want to deal with that.

  • I like Condorcet methods.

    This is a ranked method that’s different from instant runoff, with its defining characteristic being that the winner would beat every other candidate in a two-way race. The biggest downside is that determining the result is more mathematically complex than other methods, which makes it harder to explain and might lead people to mistrust the result.

    Condorcet methods benefit candidates few voters hate, which is the inverse of the current and past two US presidential elections. Given a situation where two dominant parties run widely unpopular candidates, a Condorcet method would create a very strong probability that any palatable third-party candidate wins, though over the long term a system using such a method probably wouldn’t have two dominant parties.

  • I’m not immunocompromised or any other kind of high-risk and I wear an N95 mask in most indoor public settings.

    I plan on doing it until something changes. That could mean any of:

    • SARS-CoV-2 mutates into a dominant strain with a low risk of long-term disability
    • A new vaccine is developed that reduces the risk of long-term disability following COVID, or probability of infection to virtually nil
    • Monitoring programs, such as CDC wastewater testing show a low risk of infection

    It seems to me people collectively decided to stop caring about COVID even though most of the risks that were present two years ago still exist. I would therefore ask the inverse: why stop protecting yourself before the danger is over?

  • It’s true I’m assuming the author is being honest about what Cloudflare sent them and not leaving out a message where they made the situation abundantly clear. That’s definitely possible, and we probably won’t find out because big companies don’t usually give public responses to this sort of thing.

    name any other large provider that would behave differently

    I can’t, and this makes me inclined to believe it’s a mistake to rely on any of them without a failover plan. Of course that’s effectively impossible for some situations, like mobile apps requiring app store access. That seems like a situation that calls for antitrust enforcement.

  • Maybe I haven’t been clear enough.

    I have no objection to Cloudflare or any other service provider dropping a risky or unprofitable customer. That’s normal and fair in business.

    What I don’t like is their apparent poor communication and failure to provide a clear (and reasonably distant) deadline so that the author’s company could find a solution that avoided downtime. Were I on that company’s board, I’d likely be pretty unhappy with the author for not having a contingency plan prepared in advance, but as a third-party observer my main takeaway is that if I rely on Cloudflare and they suddenly decide they don’t like something I’m doing, I’m screwed.