Hail the Omnissiah! Praise be to the machine-god.

  • 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • The dude never existed but had he existed he wouldn’t have said that and has he said that he wouldn’t have meant it the way you think he did.

    The Roman state religion worshipped the emperor. His face was on the currency. Monotheistic people are obviously going to take issue with this. About 2/3rds of the population there thought it was fine, just using money not worshipping a human, 1/3rd thought it was totally not fine and you couldn’t use the currency. However, everyone agreed that in the temple you had to change the coins.

    Ok so Paul’s followers were running his fund raising stuff and this controversy was still lingering when the author of Mark came on the scene, despite the temple being burned down. Mark needed the fundraising to continue and needed people to think Paul was the best shit ever. So he made Jesus weight in on the issue and weight in in such a way that would apply to the modern times with no temple around.

    No analogy is perfect but imagine if Ted Cruz claimed to have found a secret document that George Washington wrote saying that the Bill of Rights doesn’t apply to abortion. That was roughly what was going on.

    Even if there were a historical Jesus and he historically took this side on this issue that doesn’t mean he was taking a side on a related issue that hadnt happened yet.

  • No. That would involve the general public maintaining a consistent position.

    I want knowledge to be free. That means free. That means governments, businesses, NGOs, your local church sewing circle, AIs/LLMs, refugees living in tents, convicts, children, and any other humans or human organizations or anything humans built.

    I am willing to accept a LIMITED duration copyright and patent and private science publication system if it could be reformed such that it the brains behind it were paid and couldn’t legally sign away their compensation. Given that we as a society aren’t willing to build this the best course of action is to actively work to break copyright