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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2024


  • No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President

    You can argue that it doesn’t say anything about vice president, but then he can’t be part of the line of succession so what is the point. Though I wonder if maybe saying he can’t be vice president on those grounds means speaker of the house also must be natural born… The constitution is short and so you can come up with weird situations like this all over.

  • They do not cost a billion each to manufacture. They cost a billion each because of the costs to develop the system are also included in the cost - you take the costs of engineering, add in the costs of assembly and then divide by the couple hundred that have been made. this is a useful number to know, but doesn’t give us any clue as to what the costs are if we made in larger quantities. If we were to have the ability to make 100k in a month that implies a large amount of automation which means that when we only make 12 a year the cost goes up even more - but when (if!) we make that 100k the cost for each goes down.

  • While having a dozen in operation might be good, we need the ability to produce 100k of them in a month (including all the supply chain for that!). If the world gets into a war between any of NATO (US), Russia, China, India you can bet that missiles will be flying anywhere that is thought to be unprotected and so we need missile defense on all cities so that nothing is unprotected. The we of course changes depending on how is involved.

    I said produce 100k in a month, not have them in stock. That is because technology changes. It is likely that when we (again not sure who the we is) needs this technology will have changed and so whatever existing systems we have are obsolete and useless. 100k systems would be enough to protect us (whoever we are) from today’s threats, but they may be scrap when war comes.

  • An engine is not thousands of dollars. They mass produce them and so the incremental cost for each one is less than $100 each. There is a lot of engineering costs in an engine, and the cost to setup mass production is high, but that is amortized over all the cars they put that engine in. (there is a reason auto maters only have a few engines that they put in everything)

    A battery is $7000, but the raw materials and labor to make it are a large part of that price (I don’t have insight on what the price is) Of course auto makers know they need a lot of batteries and so are working on automation to bring the per battery cost down.

  • There are lots of great choices. I personally like natural oil stones. For rough work I will go with india stones, then fine Arkansas stones for the finish. Others like waterstones but I find water messier as the stones need to soak (not all do, but some do). I find diamond stones are too course but maybe the ultra fine grades are good. Sand paper works well at 1000 and 2000 grit but gets expensive fast as the paper wears out fast.

    all of the above work though despite what preferences. you will not go to hell or something for a wrong choice. In the end try soemthing and if it doesn’t work for you try something else.

    i do have some stones that won’t sharpen my exotic wood working blades, but a kitchen knife won’t be made of those.