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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • How would the US react if the Russians supported Mexico in joining a military pact against the US, so that the Russians could build military bases and install short range nuclear weapons in Mexico and point then at the US?

    This a convoluted scenario, as why would they do this in the first place? The US, as big of an asshole as it is, is not invading Mexico. Mexico is not the least bit worried about it.

    Ukraine was very worried about Russia invading them, for years, for legitimate reasons. And what does Russia do to alleviate those fears? Repeatedly threaten them, then actually invade.

    A gun happy neighbor you are complicated friends with is very different than a gun happy neighbor who is repeatedly saying they want your house. If the situation afterwards feels unfair, well, that’s Russia’s fault for getting there in the first place.

    And if the U.S actually postured itself for invading Mexico, for heavens sake, I would want them to arm themselves to the teeth.

  • My impression from reading Institute for the Study of War’s blogs is that Putin is a “moderate” in the perverted sense. There are actually much worse people, with real power in Russia, that could conceivably take power, and he kinda keeps everyone in line.

    So maybe the people in a position to depose him have no interest in doing so, not just for their own interests but because the resulting power vacuum would not be fun. And I’m sure he makes the possibility extremely difficult.

    There is one guy who tried, and actually came surprisingly close: Yevgeny Prigozhin. He started a small rebellion, and it might’ve worked with a slightly different roll of the dice. He seemed kinda populist and Trumpy to me, with a lot of grassroots support from the more militant factions in Russian politics, especially on social media… if Trump was the leader of a notorious mercenary outfit.

    He died in a plane crash exactly 2 months later. I’m sure its a total coincidence.

  • More than just a dispute over data, though, the Wikipedia editors argued that ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt often acts as more of a partisan actor in the Israel-Palestine conversation than a neutral source of information.

    Greenblatt has called US anti-Zionist student protesters Iranian “proxies,” compared the Palestinian keffiyeh scarf to a swastika, and praised Elon Musk just days after the Twitter owner endorsed an antisemitic conspiracy theory as the “actual truth” last November.

    Is this the story of the world now? Some old rich guy watches a little too much TV/Twitter and sends a major organization off the rails?

    …I guess it always has been.