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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2023

  • What is in your email isn’t the only data that sending one can generate. There’s the IP address where it was sent from and where it’s going, there’s the time of day it was sent, there’s a load of metadata attached they can read and glean information about you and your recipient. And there’s advertisement opportunities in the interface that many services use to collect info on you. There are so many ways to collect data on you through your interactions online it’s not even funny.

    But yeah, keep pretending like you’ve found the only mail service that doesn’t collect any data on you at all if it helps you cope.

  • If you’re wondering why you’re getting so many downvotes, it’s because you’re ignoring the fact that the companies that have created these LLMs are passing them off as truth machines by plugging them directly into search engines and then asking everybody to use them as such. It’s not the fault of the people who are trusting these things, it’s the fault of the companies that are creating them and then passing them off as something they’re not. And those companies need to face a reckoning.

  • To think this is a problem with just Amazon is silly. This is every American corporation. The executives of every major corporation in this country treat themselves very very well on company dimes while their workers all languish in starvation wages. The only way to fight this is to raise the minimum wage to something that is livable for the average worker. The government needs to force these companies to behave. They will never and I mean abso-fucking-lutely never choose to treat their workers with respect and dignity by paying them a decent living wage.

    And the politicians that are in all of their pockets will never ever go against their corporate masters. The only way to make them listen is to get every single American to acknowledge that this is something that is needed and then push their politicians to do it or threaten their jobs by voting for someone else. This goes for both Democrats and Republicans, not quite equally but there’s definitely a few Democrats that need to be replaced.