vegan, linux evangelist, mario 64 speedrunner, hiker, food enjoyer

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • that’s great, but most vegans you speak to will tell you that we aren’t telling the people who lack the privilege we have to go vegan. we’re asking our neighbors, our bosses, our friends - people in similar if not the very same life circumstances as us - to walk a couple aisles over from where they buy the meat in the grocery store and buy some beans instead.

    people love to bring up the privilege thing, but i would argue that it is entirely irrelevant. the entire point of veganism is to do what is reasonably possible and practicable. not to tell people who don’t have the privilege to be so discerning about their diet that they are going to hell or something.

  • i say something like this often in real life, but despite it being plainly observable in daily life other people still don’t agree.

    it’s on all scales too, or at least it feels like it. moving everything to streaming, always online, etc. want to play a competitive video game with your friends? give a corporation root-level access to your home computer. ads everywhere some greedy ass in a suit can think to stick them whether you pay or not, yet everyone complies like this is normal and i get singled out for caring about our rights as consumers.

    i love capitalism i love money

  • got a chance to try lethal company on steam - it’s a really fun online co-op horror roguelike where you scavenge for parts on moons that may or may not be inhabited. corporate doesn’t care what’s in these caves as long as it makes them money. great with friends or randoms, the proximity chat makes for a fun and scary experience with a drg / viscera cleanup style corporate setting.

    also played through most of greener grass awaits, which is a unique and fun horror golf game - also free. i recommend at least trying it out, the horror gameplay elements mesh with the golf in a novel way that makes for a rare horror game with engaging moment to moment gameplay.