One of my crabby old person pet peeves is kids these days ending statements with question marks? I get that they’re afraid of periods and they don’t want to look like my generation using ellipses constantly (which I am glad about), but half the time I cannot tell if someone is asking a question or making a statement and randomly using a question mark, and it can very much change the meaning of their comment. We need something more open-ended for these people.
I’ve been a vegetarian for a hundred years, but I’ve finally decided to go vegan and I’m kind of excited about it. I’m growing a garden from seeds I started inside, and my seeds have almost all sprouted.
When my dog hears dogs barking on TV I always wonder what they’re saying. The scene may involve the dog being aggressive or scared, but maybe they’re actually yelling about the treats their trainer is bribing them with off camera
I think maybe they care when the person is white
I work in the public sector (not at the federal level) and it’s great, but uhhhh. I’m sure we’ll be fine for a while where I am, but I’m not as enthusiastically pushing it as I was. But goddamn is it nice not working to make some asshole rich.
I like Robert Evans
Interesting, I’ve stopped listening to more than one podcast where the premise is “I learned about this thing and I’m telling you about it” when the podcasters got something wrong, got called out on it, and said “I’m not an expert, you shouldn’t be talking me seriously.” I’ve come to accept that podcasts are for entertainment only, and even if you think they seem well-researched, assume nothing you hear is true.