main account for [email protected] because it’s down so often

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • I once submitted an issue to a devs GitHub. The apps login page would not load without large bg pictures loading first. I asked if he could add an option to disable it in the settings, as my self hosted site was slow.

    I essentially got back, “why would I do that? It’s not an issue for me! Besides the login page should load before the background picture” issue closed


    It’s like you’re SO CLOSE to seeing the issue.

  • My parents live in a house built by my great grandmother, when I was a kid, about 7, just before I went to take a bath I saw the spirit of an old woman walk out of my parents room and into mine.

    She walked out, paused and looked at me, and then walked into my room. I. was. PETRIFIED. Although I knew if I told my dad something he wouldn’t believe me, so I put tried to not think about it as I had to walk towards the side of the house she had just walked from to take a bath lol. Nothing else happened that night. I didn’t recognize the woman but I remembered her face.

    A few weeks later I was going to sit down in our front room. On the table next to the chair I was going to sit in was one of my mom’s lamps, it was ornate and had a small glass pane slotted into a piece of wood. We always had an obituary card wedged in there so that it would show through the glass, but I never really read it or looked at it, it was one of those things that kind of just faded into the background for me. Especially since I’m ADHD, my brain kind of just filters out stuff sometimes. Even though I never really looked at it, my mom had told me it was my great grandmother’s obituary card. Well, as I was sitting down I happened to glance at it, and I had to do a double take, that was the woman I saw!

    I asked my dad when about my great grandmother lived here, where everyone’s bedroom’s were. He said “Well, Mimi had my bedroom, and yours was your grandmother’s and her sister’s.” That about confirmed it for me: I had seen the spirit of my great grandmother performing her nightly check up on her daughters. After that day sometimes if felt like she was watching over me in my room, although that could have just been in my head since I had seen her walk in.

  • No they never forced them but they said “hey here’s this really awesome sandboxed platform that runs on almost any os, and it’s a modern browser!” That’s really enticing to a platform like steam where most of their app is web based. Steam isn’t a desktop application, it’s a hybrid application that needs a web browser. Do you know how hard it is to upkeep a modern browser? There’s a reason it’s pretty much only chromium and Mozilla making browsers. It’s not laziness, it made sense, and Google was the only one making anything like that at the time for developers to use.

    Once Google had the market share, they started making changes that they knew would affect everyone using their platform, and that’s how they wanted it.

  • Not really Steam’s fault, their app is built in a chromium browser, which stopped supporting those OSes a few years ago. A perfect example of Google having too much control over the Internet. This is what happens when big companies are allowed to purchase their competitors.

    Edit: people in this thread are either really forgetting how much trust google used to have with basically the entire Internet. They were seen as the “good guys” for a long time.

    Or they’re forgetting how unique and revolutionary chromium based desktop apps were when they first came out. It is a colossal pain in the ass to create a modern browser, if you have a web page in your desktop app like steam does, it quickly became a very difficult, time consuming, and virtually fruitless endeavor to develop a headless browser just to sit within your desktop app when you could just go with chromium.