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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • I’ve heard a saying, and I really like it.

    The best music is the music that was popular when you were a teenager.

    Basically whatever was popular in your formative years will be your favorite. Because that is the time where you start experiencing all that music can be and expanding your horizons. And every generation says the music if their youth was the best. And everything after that is garbage.

    None of it is true.

  • are tandem powered paraglider flights done under an administrator’s waiver?

    It’s exactly this.

    Reading the website you linked, I struggle to understand the experience requirements for a tandem instructor.

    Now, I’m not an instructor, and the highest rating I’ve attained is PPG2. So some of this I’m a bit fuzzy on because my info is 3rd hand. My understanding is there are no hard and fast requirements. I know that for the ratings, there are written tests you have to pass that are done by the USPPA. As far as the waivers go, I think it’s just up to the administrator. From what I understand, there’s a bit of an epidemic of administrators who will just give out waivers for cash. I’ve heard of at least one that will do it for as little as $1500.

    FAR 103 and ultralights are pretty chaotic. There’s very little structure to any of it.