I’m still waiting for .rar so I can buy unregistered.rar, which is the way it’s meant to be.
I’m still waiting for .rar so I can buy unregistered.rar, which is the way it’s meant to be.
Because it’s no longer 1996 and there are domains beyond ccTLDs and com/net/org?
He looks like he’s either going to tell the cops they’re so fired, or he’s shit himself.
I killed all delivery nonsense a while ago. It was like 4 fees plus a demand for a tip on top of inflated prices; go to the restaurant and pay $15 or pay DoorDash $35 for the same shit? Fuck that, I’ll drive and pick my own damn food up.
And bonus, if half of it gets eaten in the car - I mean “wasn’t given to me by the restaurant”, sorry - at least I’m the one who ate the damn thing.
I kinda have two answers to this:
Not yet,
It was more an intent to show that they’re not some shining defender of the ad-free private internet, who would never take action to defend a potential future revenue stream if they thought it might be profitable later.
Remember everyone, corporations are not your friends, your buddy, your pal, or even slightly gives a shit about you beyond how much money they can extract from your wallet and anything that’s in the way of them doing so they’ll work around, stomp on, and kill by any means necessary.
Apple will follow suit: don’t be taken in by the ‘we love our customers’ nonsense they like to present. They make billions in selling ads too, they just do it a little more quietly than Google.
The closest thing you’re likely to get is a black and white Brother laser.
It’s as open as a printer is likely to ever be in terms of driver support, the availability of parts is reasonable, and you plug the thing in via USB and then forget it exists until you need to print something.
I have a 2300D I’ve had for most of a decade now and the only thing I’ve had to do is put paper in it.
Good news, then: http://canvas.toast.ooo/
Wow, I’m shocked that they’re going to sell the biometric data to anyone who wants it. Well, not that shocked. Actually, not shocked at all.
The windows version isn’t released yet; the Mac version is.
Allegedly Windows is by end of year, but they’re not really being exact with a date.
Partially it’s a license problem. The MPL around gecko is much closer to the GPL than the BSD license that that Chromium blink uses, and thus it’s much less appealing for commercial products to use it.
As a product of American eduation, I can say resolutely that no, that was absolutely not taught.
Of course, this is partially because American education sucks and partially because we never HAD common land here: everything was privately owned, after it was stolen from the people who already lived here, and then most of it had people who had no say in the matter enslaved to work on it for the people who stole the land.
Of course, this is ALSO not really taught, because it’d make people feel sad and make the US look kinda bad, so it’s always talked about but you get like, a week of coverage on both subjects, at most.
Data this app collects: yes.
Yep, straight from Macarena to Tubthumping and nobody even noticed.