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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 22nd, 2023


  • “We’re shocked” - nobody.

    But companies are crawling everything like mad - I’ve noticed a 400% upturn this year alone in bot traffic on a low traffic web forum and a few sites I host, so much so that I’m having to do some fairly heavy filtering upstream to keep them out. (They don’t resepect robots.txt, obviously)

    When bot traffic outnumbers legitimate traffic at least 10x, it makes you wonder why you’re paying to host stuff.

  • Obesity is increasingly a problem in low- and middle-income countries.

    Isn’t that always going to be the case, regardless of ingredient adjustment? It feels like people who have had very little food will tend towards over-compensating during times of glut - perhaps not so much the generation directly affected, but the care they give to next generations.

    As an example vaguely related but less extreme; I was born in 1970 in England to a lower middle-class family. My parents were wartime and post-war babies who had experienced rationing and as a result, I have very strong recollections of being made to “clear your plate” before I could leave the table. (Ironically given this topic, the “there are starving children in Africa who would like that” line was given quite often)

    Wasting food was the absolute highest sin I could commit and that’s stayed with me to this day.

  • Don’t think it’s generational. I’ve had a gmail account for about 15 years, and use youtube a lot, and I’m in my 50s. I watch a lot of repair, will it start, restoration and motorbike videos - there’s some amazing content on there, far better than anything available on my tv. And as an educational tool - need to repair something in your home, or change the brakes on your car? Within seconds you have multiple instructional videos of real people actually showing you how to do that exact thing - the world’s never known such a thing.