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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • The first Tales was well received, but it was made by Telltale and much closer to the Borderlands 2 era. Gearbox made another one recently that was terrible and panned.

    I think you’re right in saying the franchise is just dead. As someone who played actually thousands of hours of BL2 in my youth, I have zero interest in the rumored Borderlands 4. I think I own all the DLC for 3 and just never bothered to play through all of it.

  • I guess it’s nice to have confirmation, but I’m not an ounce surprised that the story of Suicide Squad is “big publisher pushed developer to make live-service trash.” I’d be hopeful that the Rocksteady single-player title could come back, but Zaslav has committed to making more live-service flops. Absolutely wild that they couldn’t learn their lesson from Hogwarts Legacy, you don’t even have to make a single-player openworldathon that good and people will still praise it if you have a popular enough IP.

  • Yeah it’s because Americans are fucking terrible at governing.

    The vast, vast majority of Americans do not care about their elected officials. Most do not even know who they are, and just vote based on party affiliation or don’t vote at all. Our government structure also fundamentally doesn’t work, and we would be far better served adopting a parliamentary system like the rest of the developed world, but nobody cares enough to do anything. Our courts are corrupt thanks to Donald Trump, gerrymandering means our elections are hardly fair, the list goes on.

    America has an apathetic government that accomplishes very little and is easily captured by hostile forces because it is exactly the level of government Americans are willing to put in the effort for.

  • Yeah, except China has been committing a genocide and would gladly commit an atrocity on the scale of Israel x Palestine to Taiwan if the U.S. blinks.

    Yes, the U.S. is evil as hell, and yet China is still worse. The U.S. doesn’t have citizen reeducation camps, people don’t get disappeared for talking out against dear leader. If you can’t understand why giving an adversary like that unfettered access to people’s minds is a security risk, I’ve no interest in arguing geopolitics with you.

  • I can agree with that, but it becomes muddier when it’s a social media platform where your participation on the platform lends it credibility. As an example, the Hong Kong protests were supressed on TikTok at the behest of the CCP. You could argue that by creating the content that ByteDance’s algorithm used to bury the videos being posted on TikTok, regular unwitting Americans were assisting the CCP in covering up the protests.

    It’ll be on ByteDance to prove those kinds of concerns invalid, just as it will be the US’ job to demonstrate the threat posed by TikTok to Americans.

  • I’m aware of the precedent, but there’s a pretty massive difference between being able to receive printed media, and being able to have continual access to post and contribute content to a foreign propoganda tool that uses an algorithm to purposefully suppress subjects the CCP disapproves of. I don’t believe the precedent is going to be applicable here, but IANAL, and maybe ByteDance’s lawyers think this defense will be a slam dunk.