• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 4th, 2023


  • A Short Sale position is actually a risk and if people know you’re doing it they will ride you to the bank by buying up as many shares as they can and force you to pay them when your deadline to repay the borrowed shares comes up.

    WSB might be the butt of a lot of jokes but they have (in the past at least) analysts and insights that rival top investment firms, not reflecting of the average participants performance. A much more logical decision would be to inflate the price at launch and then when it reaches a critical state ride it (short sell) into the ground as it panic sells into penny stocks.

  • I’m not really sure why both first name and city are required but I hate oversimplified mobile designs. Whenever a web page loads everything into a big rounded edge middle column I do a little angry exhale.

    I’m an adult with a mouse and keyboard, I don’t need giant baby buttons and you can load more than two rows of something at a time ffs.

  • Technically, there is some added nuance to this:

    Yemen is split between political factions such as the contemporary president attempting to establish a government in the south and the Houthi leadership who have used military force to take control in the north.

    China and Russia are speaking out about the fact that some of Iran’s and Yemen’s military supplies warehouses were struck in addition to the official non-state-sponsored™ “rebels” controlled sites.

    So while China is right in saying the USA and UK backed by several other nations attacked a non-hostile nation, it’s also clearly posturing and ignorance of the facts that those target sites were weapons actively being used against them or otherwise against other innocents including potentially their own peoples.

  • Entry level average salary for Game Designers is around 50K USD, or $24 Per Hour equivalent, veteran positions make over 100k USD. For artists that number is even higher, from 60k to 120k.

    In the last 3 years alone Indie games have gone from about 10% of the market to 20%. The game market as a whole has been seeing massive growths. There has never been a better time to abandon the corporate overlords and make your own games with small teams and studios.

  • So to recap, your choices are

    1. One of 70 flavors of Chromium including the “privacy centric” Opera who run Chinese loan shark gangs for some reason, Edge which is Microsoft Chromium and aside from hardware acceleration capabilities is pretty meh, and Brave which despite operating their own separate search engine index are one of the most likely to sell your data and/or kidneys

    2. Rapidly Enshitifying Firefox

    3. Safari - no comment

    4. Whatever the fuck Gecko is…

  • The base game can be done in like 5-8 hours on a leisurely pace, the current speedrun WR is 57minutes but there are only 6 runners who’ve submitted to it so feasibly you could get a lot better times than that.

    I’ve actually got a video on YT where I perform the “I Was Not Expecting You, Human” achievement to Slay Warden Krieg, who is the game’s midboss, in Veteran Mode with a character under level 11, and it was an hour and thirteen minutes from character creation to finish. The last 10 minutes are just the Krieg fight itself. This could be done much faster without the level requirement, though, because you could get more damage and better items.

    The major problem with it is the enemy scaling. Every area has a minimum level and a maximum level, and as the character levels up so do the enemies. That means if you keep leveling in an area until you dwarf the enemies, it just keeps making it harder in the next area, so you’re incentivized to stay at the minimum level for that area and ignore the vast majority of enemies. Even farming for good loot comes at the added cost of making the mobs harder. I used to use a site that shows the level range for areas but I can’t find it anymore, sadly.