duderium [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • “It’s Florida and Texas and red states that are the problem,” I tell myself as my entire country continues to collapse in a thousand different ways. “It’s Florida and Texas and red states. If we just had 60 Democrats in the senate and a more moderate SCOTUS (like in 2008), everything everywhere would be perfect! I mean, just look at all Obama managed to accomplish during that time! Endless drone strikes, corporate welfare, and a health care “plan” endorsed by the Heritage Foundation that made no difference to health insurance prices (which continued to rise as though nothing had happened) and left tens of millions of people uninsured or underinsured and which led to tens of thousands of deaths over the years due to lack of coverage—and that was before the pandemic even started! It’s not the system designed by genocidal slave owners that’s the problem, we just need to get rid of the corrupt elites and replace them with GOOD elites and everything will work itself out!”

  • I can also recognize that their autocratic ruling party represses and censors their citizens, and I don’t think that is a good thing. I wish the best for China and truly hope that some day, all their citizens will be able to express themselves freely.

    The USA imprisons more people per capita than China. There are also limits to free speech in the USA, as evidenced by the bourgeois regime’s brutal crackdown on the George Floyd protests among countless other examples. Which society is more free exactly?

  • I just didn’t understand the way your question was worded because it was garbled. I don’t have any reason to host a data server and I don’t live in China, so you got me, I’ve never been personally impacted by Chinese government censorship and repression. Obviously that means it doesn’t exist, QED.

    “The Chinese government has never done anything that has negatively impacted me or anyone I know, I have never known a Chinese person I disliked, yet I passionately despise China. I am extremely different from Republicans who have never set foot inside an American city yet are terrified of doing so. It’s you tankies who are propagandized, not me!!!”

  • I think you’re confusing my disappointment in humanity as acceptance of their behavior.

    I assume you believe that human nature is an omnipotent and unchanging concept that influences the material world without being influenced by it. If I am correct, how is your conception of human nature different from the Christian conception of God? And if I am incorrect—if you believe that human nature can change—doesn’t that mean that communism is therefore possible and that we should do everything we can in order to achieve it?

    Do you have anything that was produced in a sweatshop? Of course you do. You’re typing on it. So, don’t be all high and mighty now. A real communist would reject such things. I guess you’re just making excuses for capitalism too, liberal.

    Did capitalism randomly originate one day out of the void? Or was it created by feudalism’s collapse? Were the first capitalists hypocrites for using feudalism (long-term rents, for instance) to destroy feudalism itself? Do you think that any of them cared?

    As for the feudal, lords… I’m pretty sure we still have a group of rich people making decisions for all of us, and we just think things have changed—but they really haven’t and most of us are still forced to work to live. Not terribly far from indentured servitude.

    Do you live on a manor and are you a peasant, like 90% of feudal people? Do you pay half your annual harvest in kind to your lord and to the church? Are you forbidden to leave this manor by law? Are you able to access the commons for your own material sustenance (food, firewood, construction materials)? If you answered no to any of these questions, then you aren’t actually living under feudalism and there is actually a difference between good and bad things!