so you just claimed bullshit out of gut feel alone and literally nothing else?
so you just claimed bullshit out of gut feel alone and literally nothing else?
I guess twitter only has humans posting on it without any agenda then and its owners political victory is completely unrelated. Lets ignore the claim there are breadcrumbs left, makes it easier for all to win internet arguments.
Should be easy enough to prove wrong then. Go ahead.
You just did a discrete task of writing a reply to some rando on the internet about how you’re not on linux while you were using a word processor hosted on linux to send the message to another user on linux. Ain’t technology wonderful?
Yeah. It would help usher in a new era of social media and communities. Fb, insta, tiktok, reddit have killed smaller communities and websites. And I miss them. Internet needs to die to be born again.
Linux is the most used os around the world and almost every website and service uses it, not to mention half the phones and apple computers.
If you are on lemmy, you are on linux.
Proton. Literally makes any of the big linuxes into the streamos people are waiting for
I can’t get it to work over Chromecast as at absolute best case it does not support subtitles.
How is this impressive at all? Oh yeah, cash society where pieces of paper are mailed around physicially and people stand in line at government offices in order to do day to day bureocracy.
It is easy for us priviledged tech nation citizens to forget that some countries are still 3rd world tier.
That is propaganda and if you think about it, obviously impossible.
He did cause every issue in human history by convincing the first ape to stand up tho.
But 2nd amendment states your duty as a citizen to grab a gun and defend against nazis irl?
Kde settings impressed me. I had to fix my mouse and put the wheel on backwards. Took me a few hours messing around regedit to find it. In kde control panel its just a toggle.
Also funny thing is windows backup control panel has 3 options and advanced options. Advanced options lists the same 3 options.
Which control panel? There’s like 20 of them and a new worse one gets added every other year.
You also forget Ukranian corrupt camera lens factories sabotaging all cameras worldwide in order to make the earth seem not flat.
Youbare forgetting also the warcrimes of Umranians where they have time travel labs yhey use to travel back in time to kill baby jesus every day and internet hacking centers used to force musk do awkward gestures. Truly the axis of evil.
So you vote for the party that wants to invade random sovreign nations. Got it. You just got owned.
If people want tyranny people must get tryranny. Issue is if people no longer want tyranny they must be able to get rid of it as well. Or maybe don allow tyranny in the first place since people have proven over and over again to be too stupid to be allowed full control.
That is what the people of america want. They look at what bernie sanders offered, said he was a radical commie totalitarian terrorist and went for trump overwhelmingly." You are fucked in the head as a people and you absolutely deserve your country to be a shitshow cause you like it that way.
Democracy is when the people can remove anyone in office from office. American democracy is saying bribes are lobbying.
Okay now that we agree concentration camps bad, what is your opionion on trump making new ones?