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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I worked for a big Euro bank for a bit and that was exactly it. JS timeouts were forbidden, so no animation to tell you something was finished, you had to keep clicking a Refresh button to know. In 2022.
    And the colleagues who had been there a few years were actually defending this shit. Stockholm Syndrome is what it is. There wasn’t a day I didn’t complain about their piece of garbage of an intranet.
    I’m so glad it’s behind me.

  • My favourite one was when I asked the user “can this happen?” (Some value being negative) and they reply “no never”.
    Then, of course, I get an occurrence the day of the live demo with the user and her boss.
    I ask again, “uh, so is this normal? Has it ever occured before? Because I asked you if it could happen and you said never.”
    Now the boss replies “oh, we meant it’s extremely uncommon. Almost never happens”.

    Turns out it happens once every few months, amongst hundreds and hundreds of transactions.

    So I gently explained that the computer doesn’t care how often it happens. If it can happen, I need to code it in otherwise things go wrong!
    Thankfully I had planned the eventuality, so I had a nice error message, but still. A lesson was learnt that day.