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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2023


  • Genuine questions: If we get rid of all the ads, how do news companies get funded? Information can be freely copied and redistributed online – including all news articles. How would our favorite tech sites be funded?

    I’ll be honest, I donate every chance I get to support devs for the awesome free software and services they provide, but news is different. I don’t actually pay for any news. It comes from so many sources. What’s the best financial model for news companies in a capitalist society? As a consumer, what’s the ethical model for paying for or consuming news?

  • As others have said, keep yourself busy or distracted. Try and release the stress you feel through exercise. Avoid using food/alcohol/drugs to cope, as they can easily turn into a crutch and then an addiction.

    Talk to a friend or therapist about it! It took me over six months before I really started processing my divorce.

    Remember that you are an amazing person. Have love and compassion for yourself. Be patient with yourself.

    The actual hurt hurt only seems to lessen with time.

  • Were they actually being dishonest about it, or were they not disclosing it? There are a lot of things people don’t disclose before meeting up. Outside of a romantic relationship context, cis people tend to be more accepting of trans people in general if the cis people don’t know right away that the person is trans and find out later.

    But for sexual/romantic relationships it’s different because most people want to know the genitals of their potential partners up front. This makes it difficult for trans people, who are stuck deciding at what point they should disclose the state of their genitals, in a way that is considered honest, keeps them safe, and maintains some privacy.