Na szmerze od samego początku. Trochę się wymądrzam i czepiam publikacji, ale to z parszywej natury i dobrych intencji. Jeśli masz jakieś pytania to śmiało pytaj - zawsze służę pomocą.

Podobno na oko jestem trochę młodszy niż sugeruje awatar.

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: May 7th, 2020


  • I still have a lot of love for Mozilla, maybe since I’ve started using… Mozilla and even some of the recent steps of the management did not change that. But it would seem doing something like idk - integrating Fediverse elements into the browser, or pushing the concept further in some other way would be a bigger step forward, than launching an instance. Still good, sounds like a no-brainer to have one for staff/supporters, but does not push this concept as far as Mozilla has the potential to. Unless that’s an element of some bigger plan I’ve missed?

  • @[email protected] The fact that this instance often bans people for countering your imperialist world-view created a bubble where you might think it’s the libs that you speak out against. In reality it’s not only radicals that you write of but it’s also our comrades, long time antifa, anarchist and communist militants that are dying fighting back against yet another imperialist incursion into CEE from Russia. No amount of western ignorance, privilege and lack of education will stop us from struggling for our right to self-determination, solidarity with the refugees from Ukraine and all victims of this invasion or the broader struggle against a centuries long oppression of our peoples. With regards, from admin of one of the first lemmy instances.