Currently between olives

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Oh absolutely, but it doesn’t have to be nefarious; I meant that they can afford to have good lawyers, accountants etc with questionable ethics on their payroll and first of all try to make sure you’re not easily caught doing whatever it was he is accused of (don’t remember anymore), and who will represent him in courts etc. You know, regular super-rich people shit 😁

    Generally even if someone wasn’t found guilty of something in a court, you can’t necessarily assume that they didn’t do whatever they were charged with – all that tells by itself is that guilt couldn’t be proven to a level the court was happy with. You’d have to know more details to be able to judge (har har) whether it’s likely they really are innocent or not.

    I don’t remember what it was he supposedly did to get sanctioned, nor if the article has any details about the proceedings, so his “innocence” could well be a more or less proven deal, so I mean the above more in a general sense than specifically related to this particular case

  • Reading some marketing blurb about how these fonts are totally like state of the art and will make everything better is different from buying into what it claims, I guess?

    Personally I’m not all that convinced that these’ll be as revolutionary as they make them sound – and Radon is so bad that it makes me question whether the claims about readability and whatnot have any connection to the fonts they published – but I’ll have to give them a whirl anyhow.

  • Yeah, I looked at the first couple of fonts, then read all that stuff about readability this, state of the art that, expressive palettes la-di-da and I thought “ok maybe they have an idea here”.

    Then I looked at the rest of the examples and ran into that… thing. Like, the fucker’s so aggressively irritating to read that you could use that font to hide eg. backdoors in code, and reviewers would instinctively skip over those parts just to avoid the pain.

  • I’ve been using Kagi for about half a year now, and I’ve definitely been very happy with it. As you pointed out, the fact that you pay for it with actual money and not with your attention (ie. ad views) means that they actually have an incentive to show you good results instead of endless walls of spammy links that lead to pages using their ad network.

    People don’t seem to realize that Google’s not a search engine company with an ad network, but an ad network company with a search engine: the ads pay for all of Google’s services, so they’re incentivized to fill your search results with bullshit that you have to dig through, but that uses their ad network – every useless spam link you have visit when looking for the thing you actually searched for means more 💰 for Google.

    The fact that so many big online services are ad-funded has led to the situation where people seem to believe that we’re entitled to have everything for free online. While open source projects run by volunteers are definitely a thing (as is obvious considering where we are), I don’t think it’s reasonable to assume that every online service should have rely on voluntary donations and volunteer work, and that developers should work on your free pet service during their time off from their actual work

  • How on earth does paying for a service mean someone’s “being taken advantage of”? You do realize that Google, Bing et al aren’t actually free? The whole problem with eg. Google is the fact that they’re an ad company with a search engine and not the other way around, which creates perverse incentives to show you bullshit results as long as it means more ad views for them (and they control both the supply and demand side of that ad network, which makes it even worse). That’s literally the reason why Google’s results have gotten so bad.

    While I’d love to live in an economic system where people could just build good web search engines for free and on a volunteer basis, unfortunately we don’t find ourselves in such a system at this time. I’d rather pay for a search service than use one that’s incentivized to not show me what I’m searching for, and I’d also rather pay for developer time than assume that they’ll work on services for free during their time off (which is the reality with eg. Lemmy admins)