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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Most formal cleaning companies will do a deep cleaning to form a clean baseline, or let you add on extras per session to address when you need. Usually it’s hourly based with a minimum time requirement. If you don’t need them to do something, it might work out to be cheaper if doing it would have put you over the minimum time.
    If you find a self employed cleaning person, they are more likely to be more flexible and able to handle the odd tasks like tidying up or handling laundry. Maybe even help organize or do other routine tasks that you don’t have the bandwidth for.

  • FFXIV handles it “okay”, in that you get a large portion of glam in game and the cash shop stuff is largely excess. There are a few cases where it would have been better to have the reward in game, but for the most part I feel like I can play the game without needing to buy anything.
    The impression the community gets is the cash shop is a begrudging feature that SE higher ups mandate to keep cash flow going (because XIV is funding most of SE’s other projects)

  • I used to avoid turn based for the same sentiment, but have found some really compelling games that change the formula that have changed my mind. Not every game will be a winner, but there are still some good ones out there.

    Strict turn based used to always seem simple to me, and I don’t find it appealing all the time. Pokemon has unit variety, but the strictness of each turn can get really stale.

    Games that improve turn based combat are my preference in this category. Persona 5 changes the flow of combat depending on how each unit/character performs and exploits type weaknesses (chain/group attacks). It also takes Pokemon typing and unit diversity and makes a cool fusion/inheritance system out of it.
    Older Final Fantasy games with Active Time Battle also scratch this itch where the timing of using skills and specific character order still somewhat matters, you don’t always mash A and spam abilities. FF also does really well with unit customization - materia, GFs, Sphere Grid, etc. mean consecutive playthroughs won’t always feel the same.
    Chrono Trigger takes ATB and adds geometry in a physical dimension to attacks which is really unique, but still feels turn based at its core.

    Like you said, full tactical games are fine because the quantity of units or structure of the arena make the turn based mode interesting. BG3/Divinity, Fire Emblem, Triangle Strategy/FF Tactics, and Gloomhaven fall in this category and I love games like these.

    I realize now I kinda hit the points in the article, oops. Sorry if this was repetitive lol